“That’ll teach you,” she muttered, head still facing away from me.

I didn’t get to reply because the men threw the door open and came running in, both of them stopping when they saw me rolling around on my side of the bed, holding my chest. “What the hell’s going on?” Ellis asked, snapping out of it and coming over to where I was, trying to lift my hand up to have a look.

“She burst it, she burst the boob,” I wailed. I mean, she’d put some effort into the force behind that smack, and these things weren’t punching bags – it fucking hurt.

“I didn’t touch your…oh shit,” she gasped, getting up on her hands and knees and backing away from me. “I didn’t mean to hit it, that was an accident. How was I to know your big titty was in the way of my hand?”

Lifting her up bridal style, Dave carried her out of the room, and down to where I could hear Liv playing with poor Law while Kitty Purry hid.

“I can’t leave you two alone for a second, can I?” Ellis sighed, wincing when he saw the perfect red handprint on the violated chesticle. “Want me to kiss it better when we get home?”

Thinking about it, I weighed up the pros and cons quickly, and came to a decision. “No,” I yelled, making sure the bitch could hear me. “I want to punch her in her big, saggy mammaronis that are gonna look like she’s got footballs on her chest. She’ll have to tuck them in her lap, so she doesn’t sit on….” Ellis’s hand covering my mouth prevented me from finishing but allowed me to hear her gasp of outrage.

“That’s…graphic,” he shuddered, gagging to the side of the bed. No, that was sisterhood. And I fucking loved it.________________

Two days later…I hated my life. I’d gotten some sort of stomach bug again, and it had been touch and go between life and death for a couple of days. Now I just felt like shit, but at least I could drink and not have to run for the bathroom.

“I still think you should see the doctor,” Ellis muttered, looking worried as he put a glass of Gatorade beside me.

“I don’t want that,” I gagged. “If I have that, I’ll puke blue all over the bed.”

Sighing and admitting defeat for now, he picked it up and went to leave asking over his shoulder, “Are you up for something to eat? Like maybe some dry toast or saltines?”

And there I went, sending back into the world the glass of water that had been rehydrating the vital organs inside me. I only just made it to the bathroom in time as it all came out of me, and held onto the toilet seat, desperately trying to do three things at once: get it all in the toilet, not fall on my side, and not fall into the toilet which had almost happened on the first night. Headfirst in toilet water with Captain Poopy cells clinging to the porcelain was not where I ever wanted to be. Maybe he was right, maybe I did need the doctor.________________

Twelve hours later…“So, are you sure you want to discuss this with him in the room?” Parker Knight asked, moving a piece of paper on his desk.

Parker was in the process of moving to Gonzales County to be closer to the other Townsend family, but he’d come back to cover for a friend who was called to another hospital for a couple of weeks.

Seeing my nod, he looked down at the paperwork, and then back up at me. “You’re pregnant.”

It took a second for the words to sink in, but when they did the only thing I could say was, “You’re wrong, that’s wrong,” I nodded at the paper. “Do it again. Maybe I’ve got some sort of a tropical disease like malaria or dengue? Did you test for that?”

Laughing silently, but you could totally tell by his shaking shoulders that he found this hilarious, he asked, “Have you been to a tropical place recently?”

“No, but people bring this shit back with them all the time. Haven’t you seen the movie Outbreak? No one suspected the dude who was sneezing on the plane, or even the cute little monkey, but then they started bleeding out of their ass and whatever…”

“Noted,” he interrupted, holding up his hand and shaking his head. “But on this occasion, you’re not dying from a disease, you’re carrying a baby.”

Throughout all of this, Ellis hadn’t made a peep. Looking at him, I saw that he was staring at the desk, not moving or even blinking – it was creepy as hell. Reaching over, I shook his arm hoping to snap him out of it, but all he did was raise his head and stare at Parker instead.