“I see news travels fast in the Highlands, and what is it you hear?” Lady Elizabeth asked bluntly.

Ross was just as blunt. “That you are on a fool’s mission. That there is no way that it can ever be proven that Mistress Leora is your granddaughter.”

Anger shined in Lady Elizabeth’s eyes and the heat of it stung her cheeks. “All I need to do is claim it so.”

Ross laughed. “Maybe in the Lowlands but not here in the Highlands.”

Lady Elizabeth glared at Ross. “I can promise you that when I leave this savage place that it will be with my granddaughter.”

Ross raised his tankard as if toasting his words. “Then I hope you find her because Mistress Leora will not be going anywhere, and Lord Slayer told me to make sure that you understood that.”

“So, you knew who I was all along,” Lady Elizabeth said in an admonishing tone.

“I only knew that a foolish, elderly woman was causing problems here and you fit that description perfectly,” Ross said, with a smile and raised his tankard once again.

“You are a rude and ignorant man,” Lady Elizabeth said, “which means this Lord Slayer is just as rude and ignorant or perhaps more so than you and let me tell you,” —she shook her finger in his face— “I have bested more rude and ignorant men than you, so neither you nor Lord Slayer frighten me.”

Ross placed his tankard on the table and turned a glare on the elderly woman. “A word of warning, Lady Elizabeth, but first, shake your finger at me again and you will lose it. Now for the warning, Lord Slayer is a man of few words, but when he speaks, everyone wisely listens. So, ignore his words at your own risk, for one word from him and you will have a permanent home here in the Highlands.”

“Do you threaten a grave here in the Highlands for me?”

Ross shook his head. “Not at all. You would be left for the animals to pick your bones clean.”

Lady Elizabeth laughed. “You think that frightens me?” Her laughter quickly faded, replaced by a sneer. “If there is one thing that I learned in my many years, it is that there isn’t a person alive who will turn down substantial coins and the power such wealth brings.”

“I believe you have already met one,” Ross said with a nod to Noble.

Lady Elizabeth nodded. “Noble is a stubborn one, but I am more stubborn, and I will have my way.”

Ross burst out laughing. “Woman, you are blind when it comes to Highlanders.”

Noble ended the squabble. “Enough from the two of you, and you, Lady Elizabeth, would do well to accept the fact that Leora will never leave me or the Highlands. You waste your time here and I grow tired of your company.”

Lady Elizabeth’s chin went up once again. “I would be only too happy to leave this barbaric place with my granddaughter. So, the sooner I get to speak with Mother Abbess, the better.”

Noble wanted to strangle the stubborn woman. “What difference would it make? Whether Leora is or isn’t your granddaughter, she is not going anywhere with you.”

Before Lady Elizabeth could continue to argue, Finley rushed into the room and didn’t hesitate to deliver the news. “Two nuns have arrived from Whitehall Abbey… Mother Abbess has been abducted.”

* * *

Noble and Rosshad vacated their seats at the table so that the two upset nuns could sit as well as Novice Angelica, who was also distraught by the news.

Lady Elizabeth stood, though more paced anxiously near the table and when she went to speak, Noble stepped in front of her.

“One word from you, Lady Elizabeth, and I will have you removed from the room, forcibly if necessary.”

The elderly woman glared at him but clamped her mouth shut tight.

Noble turned and looked from one nun to the other. “Tell me all you know.”

The one nun who was just beginning to wrinkle around her eyes spoke up. “I am sister Benedetta. I was helping Mother Abbess tend to Mayer, an old farmer at one of the outer crofts who had taken ill. The old man was not doing well no matter the efforts of Mother Abbess. His son and daughter-in-law were worried he would not make it, and Mother Abbess and I feared the same. But he lingered, which is what kept Mother Abbess from answering your summons. Mayer finally passed peacefully in his sleep, and it was when prayers were being said over his grave that a group of men suddenly arrived and threatened our lives if Mother Abbess did not go with them. Mother Abbess did not hesitate to go with the men. She told me not to worry that they were probably mercenaries and no doubt looking for a healer to help one of their men who had been injured and she would be released soon enough. But she did tell me to come directly to you and let you know what happened. It makes no sense though that Mother Abbess would be abducted to tend to an injured mercenary. All mercenaries know they can seek healing at the abbey, so why abduct her?” She brushed at the tears trickling down her cheeks. “I fear for her life.”

“It could be a trap,” Ross said, drawing everyone’s attention. “Someone may be using her to draw you away from your clan to rescue Mother Abbess while they come for—” He looked from Leora to Lady Elizabeth, then back at Noble.

“Of course, it is a trap, you fool,” Lady Elizabeth admonished and received a scowl from Noble. “I will not remain silent when I can be of help. Hedley does not have the intelligence to plan such a trap. He would make a mess of it. This is Lord William’s doing. He grows as impatient as I do to see this done.”

“Then let’s finish this,” Ross said. “I will alert Lord Slayer. The abbey is his responsibility, and he will want to send men to help find and rescue Mother Abbess.”