“Now you are making some sense, for a savage that is,” Lady Elizabeth complimented and condemned in a few words.
Leora could tell when her husband’s mind churned with thoughts. He appeared focused, listening to all that was being said, yet his deep blue eyes shifted along with the ideas running through his head. So, she wasn’t surprised by his suggestion.
“Unless we set a trap for them.”
“An excellent idea,” Ross said, nodding.
“As long as it is executed wisely,” Lady Elizabeth cautioned.
“My husband always plans wisely,” Leora said with a smile and pride for her husband.
“That he does,” Ross agreed, his eyes narrowing as he looked at Lady Elizabeth waiting for her to dare disagree.
The elderly woman ignored Ross, turning her attention to Noble, and he raised his hand in warning for her to hold her tongue.
“I have no time to exchange barbs with you, Lady Elizabeth. You would be wise to make yourself useful and stay out of my way.” He turned to Finley. “Bring Lance and Bew here,” he ordered, and with a nod Finley took off. “Sister Benedetta, when Finley returns with my trackers you will tell them how to reach Mayer’s croft.”
The nun nodded, brushing away the last of her tears.
“We will take this discussion to my solar,” Noble said and reached his hand out to his wife for her to join them.
Ross went to follow, and Lady Elizabeth hurried to step in front of him.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Ross snapped.
Noble did not glance back as he spoke, though Chief glanced back as he kept pace beside him. “As much as I would prefer not to have Lady Elizabeth privy to this discussion, it is a necessity. She knows who we fight and can provide us with necessary information.”
“An intelligent savage,” Lady Elizabeth said as if she did not quite believe it.
“Who will relieve you of that sharp tongue of yours if you continue to fail to curb it,” Noble threatened.
“Your wife would never allow it and you love her too much to intentionally upset her,” Lady Elizabeth said, “which I must say I admire the abundant love you have for her. It is so very rare to see, and it is why I am confident you will see that no harm befalls her.”
Noble caught, out of the corner of his eye, the soft smile that spread across his wife’s face, knowing the woman’s words were true. He would never, not ever, cause her intentional pain and he was annoyed that the elderly woman realized it, making his threat worthless. But he could not allow that to pass.
“You’re right, Lady Elizabeth, my wife would not approve, and I would acquiesce to her request that you not be harmed.” Noble stopped abruptly at the solar door, forcing everyone to come to a halt and he glared at the woman. “I can, however, exclude you from this discussion and also forbid you from seeing and speaking to my wife for the remainder of your time here and that command she would not deny me.” He did not turn to his wife for her to confirm it. He was confident she would do it on her own.
“And I would do as my husband commanded,” Leora said.
Lady Elizabeth smiled. “You both are perfect to rule my clan and make it even more powerful and influential than it already is.” She marched into the solar, calling out for drinks and food to be brought there.
Ross shook his head and followed her into the room.
Noble scowled. “I cannot wait for her to take her leave.”
Leora shocked herself with her response since she had no intention of saying such a thing to him, at least not now. It was not the time nor the place. So, why did she whisper, “And I cannot wait for you to make love to me.”
Frustration. Pure frustration, she thought and turned away from her husband to enter the room.
Noble snagged his wife around the waist and snatched her back before she could enter and called out before shutting the door, “We will be a moment.”
Chief barely escaped having the door hit him as he hurried out of the room he had barely entered to remain with Leora and Noble.
“I should not have said anything now. It is not the right time, and I don’t know why I said it.” She shook her head, her remark an unintentional lie that she would not let stand. “I do know why. I am frustrated, completely frustrated that you have shown me not an ounce of intimacy in the last few days, and I cannot express enough how much I miss it. How much it means to share something so precious with you.”
Noble spoke low, though with a strength that could not be missed. “I would kiss you now, but it would only flare my arousal that has lingered for days, waiting for you to heal. I have missed the precious time we share, miss feeling one with you, loving you, cherishing you.” He took a deep breath, fighting to calm the passion that flared so quickly. “But I wanted to make certain you had healed—”
“I have healed,” Leora said, interrupting him quickly, “and you will keep me… keepuswaiting no more. And I will have your word on that.”