He went to stop her, to yank her back in his arms but she stopped him.
“We can’t, not now, even as much as I want to feel the strength of you move inside me, it must wait.” She sighed heavily. “We cannot put our own needs above the safety of the clan.”
“It is good that I have you by my side. I will count on your counsel, for you will help me lead wisely.”
Surprise captured her face, widening her eyes. “Truly, you trust my counsel?”
“Trust and respect it more than anyone.”
Her heart was filled with joy that he trusted and respected her word, though more so what it meant. Theirs would be a good, loving marriage and she looked forward to spending endless years with him.
Once outside, Leora spotted Lady Elizabeth busy conferring with Simmons, and she paid them no mind, except for a strong wrinkle of her nose, a small protest of their improper behavior. Novice Angelica was busy helping the wounded along with Brenda.
All called out praise to their new chieftain for his sharp instincts, quick actions, and for saving them from a brutal battle. The clan had lost two men and suffered several wounds, thankfully none were serious. So, it was smiles that continued to greet them as they made their way to the captives.
“Who wanted to speak with me?” Noble demanded, his voice strong with authority.
The middle archer of the three men tied with hands behind their backs and kneeling raised his head. “I speak for the three of us. And offer no excuse but beg for your mercy. We were sent here to the Highlands to make sure Lady Elizabeth of Clan MacMurray never returned to the Lowlands. We have no fight with the Gallowglass.”
“It is one thing to think me a savage, another thing to think me a fool to believe your lies,” Noble said, a harshness not only in his voice but on his handsome face as well. “You did not come here ignorant of what you would face, but you did come here believing you were more skilled than the warriors you would face… a deadly mistake for sure. Now tell me who sent you.”
One of the other men was quick to respond. “Lord William of Clan Braverman.”
“So that’s who is financing Hedley’s quest to gain control of my clan,” Lady Elizabeth said with fierce anger as she hurried her steps toward Noble and Leora.
Noble turned to snap at the older woman. “You have no business being here.”
“It appears we both have a penchant for being places we shouldn’t be,” Lady Elizabeth countered.
Leora hurried to intervene and to prevent the squabble between the two from escalating. “Why would Lord William finance Hedley’s efforts to gain control of your clan?”
“Lord William has long desired to unite our clans, though his true intentions are to gain control of my clan. He can do that with me out of the way and by marrying his only daughter to Hedley.” She shook her head. “Lord William will tolerate Hedley until his daughter produces an heir to Clan MacMurray, then he will see the fool disposed of quickly.” She shook her head again. “I knew someone had to be helping Hedley. He does not have the finances nor the intelligence to do this on his own.” Her eyes went wide. “Good Lord, I forgot that William has skilled archers.” She turned to the prisoners. “You’re part of his elite troop of archers, aren’t you?”
The man in the middle who had claimed to speak for the three of them kept silent, not so the one who provided Lord William’s name.
“We are and—”
“Shut up, Neville!” the man in the middle ordered.
“Why? We are damned no matter what we say. Lord William would see us punished for failing to do as he ordered, and that is if we ever make it home, nor would he care if he learned we were captured, and the Gallowglass are not known for being kind to their captives. So, my best choice is to cooperate and hope that provides me with a quick death.”
“Neville’s right,” the other prisoner said.
“What if I offered you a different choice?” Lady Elizabeth asked.
“You have no authority to do so,” Noble warned.
“Then give me the authority,” she snapped.
“Nay!” Noble commanded. “Nothing less than death awaits them for attacking my clan.”
“That is nonsense,” Lady Elizabeth said with a dismissive wave of her hand. “Killing serves no purpose. Use them to your benefit.”
Noble laughed. “You are naïve to think they could be of any benefit. They cannot be trusted and—”
Lady Elizabeth was quick to correct him. “Maybe the middle one can’t be trusted but the other two I believe will do whatever is necessary to survive.”
The two men nodded vigorously.