“You fools!” the man in the middle shouted at each of them. “You will still lose your life in the end.”

“Not if given the chance to run,” Leora said, looking from one to the other of all three men and all of them avoiding her glance. “Lowlanders who would brave the Highlands for the clan they serve would fight to the end to see their mission accomplished. They would not want to return home defeated, the only survivors of their troop. That would be worse than defeat. It would make them appear cowards.”

“Wise words, wife,” Noble praised, seeing the look of defeat on the three men’s faces.

“Hmmm,” Lady Elizabeth said, glaring at the three men. “I should have considered that. Willaim’s warriors are loyal to him. William would not be stingy with the amount of men he sent. Are there more men than those who attacked today?”

Leora spoke up before her husband could explode at the woman. “It is my husband’s duty to question these men, not yours, Lady Elizabeth. You either remain here holding your tongue or take your leave now.” And when Lady Elizabeth went to respond, Leora added, “Or be forcibly removed.”

Lady Elizabeth smiled. “Aye, you are much like me.” She folded her arms across her chest and pressed her lips tightly together.

“Lord William said we would be doing the Lowlands a favor in getting rid of the foolish, old hag,” Neville said as if the woman had proven Lord William’s words true.

Leora’s hand shot out to grip Lady Elizabeth’s arm, a warning to hold her tongue, though Leora did not hold her tongue.

“It would appear Lord William was remiss in his remark since it appears Lady Elizabeth is not the fool here and, unlike her, you will not be surviving the Highlands.”

Lady Elizabeth grinned from ear to ear while the men seemed to just realize their fate and looked at Noble.

“I will tell you anything you want, if you will just spare my life,” Neville pleaded. “I have a wife and small bairn—”

“He lies. He has no wife and bairn,” another said. “He is one of Lord William’s cherished spies he has among his men.”

The man in the middle turned so quickly to look at Neville that he almost tumbled over. “You spy on your fellow archers?” He turned quickly to look at the other man. “And you did not warn me or others about this?”

“And get falsely accused of something and get punished for it like others did?” The man shook his head. “I am no fool, though I was for not making my escape as soon as we entered the Highlands, something I have been desperate to do.” He looked to Noble. “Lord William is determined to claim Clan MacMurray for his own and will do anything to make sure of it. Lady Elizabeth is right about Lord William marrying his only daughter to Hedley. The marriage celebration is already being planned. Lady Elizabeth, the woman who is believed to be her granddaughter, and MacMurray warriors will not make it back to the Lowlands alive. And with word spreading among the mercenaries that it is the Gallowglass they will face leaves few willing to sign on to the mission.”

“How do you know this?” Noble asked.

“I followed Neville when he met secretly with a man that was not known to me once we arrived in the Highlands and heard them talking. I hoped to gather information that would provide me with some leverage when I made my escape.”

“He lies! He is the spy!” Neville shouted.

The two other men joined in and shouted amongst themselves, each accusing the other.

“SILENCE!” Noble shouted and Chief stuck his head out between Noble’s legs and let loose with a puppy bark as if doubling the command.

Complete silence followed.

“The three of you will tell me all you know and detail your arrival here in the Highlands and who you met and talked with, as well as what you know about Hedley,” Noble demanded.

“What will we get in exchange for our help?” Neville asked.

“A quick death,” Noble said.

“Then why should we tell you anything?” one of the three asked.

“To avoid torture,” Noble said and turned to his wife. “Leave this to me and go make sure all in the clan do well. I will share with you later.” He leaned his head down to whisper, “If you are in any discomfort make certain to rest.” She smiled and looked about to speak, and he warned, “Do not tempt me when I have my duties to see to.”

“Do not forget all your duties,” she reminded and turned away.

Noble watched her walk off with Lady Elizabeth, Chief following behind them and wondered how he was going to avoid making love with his wife tonight so that her wound would have time to heal. She was not easy to resist and not one to be denied, and though her wound was minor, it still required healing. He would retire well after she did this evening and deal with her annoyance in the morning, making sure to leave their bed before she woke.

Annoyed he would deprive her and himself, he turned his frustration on the three men. “You will tell me everything without delay or suffer the pain of torture.”


Leora paced the floor in the Great Hall frustrated and impatient and if something did not change soon her temper was going to burst, something that rarely happened.