“My wife and child are not going anywhere, and I would kill anyone who attempts to take them from me. Now speak your piece and leave my home!” Noble ordered, furious that the old woman would dare speak such nonsense.
A quiver of fright could be heard in Lady Elizabeth’s voice when she spoke. “You would deprive your wife of her inheritance? A fortune awaits her in the Lowlands and a man who would take her as his wife even though she has been touched by a savage.”
Noble lunged at the table, gripping the edge, and Chief rushed to his side, growling as ferociously as a small pup could at Lady Elizabeth, and she paled and drew back in fear.
“You will feel the wrath of a savage firsthand if you dare mention taking my wife away from me again,” Noble threatened.
The elderly woman regained enough courage to say, “She is my granddaughter, and I will see that she inherits what is rightly hers.”
Leora hurried to speak before the confrontation between the two worsened. “How do you know for sure if I am your granddaughter?”
“My only son, only child, Henry, told me on his deathbed that he had gotten a young, noble woman pregnant and refused to wed her since it was nothing more than a minor indiscretion to him. She feared what would happen to her and the child if her father found out. My son knew of a woman who could help her and so he sent her to the woman. He never heard from her again and assumed she chose not to return home. My son’s death left me without an heir to a sizeable fortune and estate. I want my blood to inherit it and so I decided to see if I could find the child he had out of wedlock. I was able to find out that it was a granddaughter and that she had reddish blonde hair like her mother.”
“You must have another relative who could inherit, a nephew perhaps?” Leora suggested, trying to see any resemblance to the woman but failing to see even a smidgen.
Lady Elizabeth sneered. “A nephew who wishes to rob me blind and see me in an early grave.”
“So, he is the one who hired the mercenaries to kill my wife,” Noble said, feeling the pieces of the puzzle beginning to connect.
“There have been attempts on your life?” Lady Elizabeth asked, her eyes widening in anger.
“Aye, there have been,” Noble confirmed.
“That would be Hedley. He is a weasel and always has been. He has always been jealous of my son Henry. I caught him smiling the day of the funeral. He believed all of what I have will be his. I will see him dead before that.” She rested her hand on Leora’s. “Don’t you see how important it is that you come home and inherit what is rightfully yours?”
“Don’t you care to find out if I am truly the granddaughter you search for?” Leora asked.
“You fit all that I have been told of the bairn.”
“What is that?” Noble asked and walked around the table to sit in the chair beside his wife, Chief following him to make himself comfortable at Leora’s feet.
“My son told me that a few women were helping women deliver bairns who could be in danger if the child’s birth was discovered or if they feared for their own life for getting pregnant by someone they shouldn’t have. Unfortunately, one of the women was caught and forced to reveal those involved. She managed not to reveal the names right away, giving the other women time to get away and save themselves. One came to the Highlands and continued her work here. I paid dearly to find out that my granddaughter was one of three bairns given to the same family to raise. I discovered Hedley had a spy at my home who told him all of what I had learned and, unfortunately, he managed to hire unscrupulous men to travel to the Highlands before I could gather a troop of Lowland warriors to send here and fetch you for me. I left not long after the troop of Lowlanders with another troop and hired mercenaries along the way. It was a good thing I did since the first troop was attacked and suffered many losses.”
“You took a chance with your advanced age traveling here,” Noble said, and though the woman was far too commanding, he did admire her courage.
“I may not have the physical strength I once did, but my mind is as keen as ever and so is my determination to have my granddaughter inherit what is rightfully hers.”
Noble scowled. “You would be a fool to challenge me.”
“I was a fool for making this journey, and yet here I am,” Lady Elizabeth said. “And I am not going anywhere without my granddaughter.”
“Then welcome to Clan Skirling. A cottage in the village will be your new home.”
Lady Elizabeth glared at Noble. “Beware, Highlander, I never fail or surrender to a challenge.”
His response was instinctive. “There is always a first time.”
“Aye, and you would be wise to remember that,” Lady Elizabeth said.
“And you, Lady Elizabeth, would be wise to remember that this is my decision to make,” Leora said, and reached out to take hold of her husband’s hand. “While I understand your dilemma, you must understand that I love my husband very much and he loves me just as much—”
“More. I love her more, and here is where she stays,” Noble interrupted, squeezing her hand while reaffirming his stance that he had no intentions of letting go of his wife.
“Wealth is far greater than love,” Lady Elizabeth said, “and with wealth comes power.”
“Love has brought me more wealth than you can offer, and I have no need or wont of power,” Leora said and saw a flicker of disappointment in the elderly woman’s eyes. “No amount of wealth or power would be worth more to me than the love I have for my husband. That will never change. Besides, you do not know if I am truly your granddaughter, and I wonder if you really care.”
“You have the courage to question me. That is something I would do,” Lady Elizabeth said. “You are a strong woman like me. I will accept the cottage you offer me, for I intend to remain here and prove you are my granddaughter, and when I do, I will petition the King to have you returned home.”