“The King’s authority is worthless here,” Noble said. “And he is not foolish enough to go to war with Highlanders over such a trivial matter.”

“Either would the Highlanders,” Lady Elizabeth warned. “But we could find a solution if it comes to that, perhaps I can entice you, Chieftain Noble, into accepting a title far more relevant and powerful title than that of Chieftain.”

“The Highlands are our home,” Noble said, realizing the woman was a wise manipulator and he would have to be far more aware of her words and intentions.

“Home is where you two are,” Lady Elizabeth said with a cunning smile.

“And that is here in the Highlands,” Leora said, agreeing with her husband. “But tell me, how do you intend to prove I am your granddaughter?”

“By visiting the abbey where I believe you were born and seeing if there is anyone there who can tell me about the unwanted bairns who were delivered there.”

“And where is this abbey?” Noble asked, thinking he already knew.

“Not far from here.”

“Whitehall Abbey?” Leora asked, not hiding her surprise.

“Aye, that is the one,” Lady Elizabeth confirmed with a firm nod.


Noble wanted to speak with his wife privately. Unfortunately, the day continued to be too busy for them to catch any time alone together. With Lady Elizabeth refusing to leave until she could prove Leora was her granddaughter, lodgings had to be made for her and a campsite set up for the troop of men who escorted her here as well as the mercenaries who would not receive further payment until they escorted Lady Elizabeth and her men back to the Lowlands.

“The mercenary group is on edge. They did not know this mission involved the Gallowglass,” Finley said, standing beside Noble as they looked over the campsite.

“Good, it will make them think twice before doing anything foolish,” Noble said, his glance stern and his arms folded across his chest to let them know that he was in command and that his word ruled.

The mercenaries quickly turned their glances away in haste and after whispered warnings to Lady Elizabeth’s troop of men, those men avoided glancing Noble’s way as well.

“The old woman must be offering a substantial sum for the mercenaries to tolerate her demanding demeanor,” Finley said. “I am surprised that her nephew didn’t just offer them more coin to see she never left the Highlands.”

“I wondered the same. He probably has no wealth of his own, which is why he is so set on inheriting hers.”

Finley turned a concerned look on Noble. “That can make for an extremely dangerous situation. It would mean he is promising the mercenaries coins he does not yet have.”

“No doubt he has enough to entice them and has somehow made known the wealth that awaits them if the mission proves successful.”

“She must be one wealthy woman,” Finley said.

“I am.”

Noble and Finley spun around, Finley unable to hide his shock at seeing Lady Elizabeth standing not far from them.

“You keep good control of yourself, Noble, unlike your man there, who cannot hide his surprise on seeing how I approached you both without being heard,” Lady Elizabeth said and cast a stern eye on Finley. “You may take your leave. I will talk with Noble alone.”

“Chieftain Noble,” Finley corrected, scrunching his nose in an annoyed sneer.

“LadyElizabeth,” she said, letting him know her status far exceeded Noble’s.

“We will talk later, Finley,” Noble said to prevent any more discourse between the two.

While Lady Elizabeth took it upon herself to lead them in a walk, Noble noticed that she leaned heavily on him for support. She had to be exhausted from her journey, yet she did not surrender to it. She was one determined woman and that made him think how determined his wife could be and wondered if there could be any truth to Leora being the woman’s granddaughter.

“I am no fool, Noble. I know you heard my approach by the way your head tilted slightly, and hearing my meager footfalls you knew I was of no threat. I learned at a young age that it was to my advantage to temper my footfalls, though age is making that more difficult. It helped me to discover things I wasn’t meant to know and to prepare for things to come, like a marriage to a foolish and selfish man. If it wasn’t for me, Clan MacMurray would not have the wealth it has today and it is the reason I will not see the clan destroyed by a man much like my husband, foolish and selfish.”

“I can understand that, Lady Elizabeth, but it will not be at the cost of my marriage,” Noble said.

“I never knew the love of a man for a woman nor a husband for a wife, and rarely did I see it in any marriages. So, it surprises me to see it with you and Leora.”