“I know of marriage woes, since many women come to me with them.”

“You would think I would have many of those since this marriage was forced on me and I have debated remaining in it. But marriage to Noble is far different than I expected.”

“Why is that?” Mother Abbess asked.

“That is the odd part.” Leora shook her head. “I cannot say for sure.”

Mother Abbess patted Leora’s arm and smiled. “You are falling in love with your husband.”

Leora was surprised by her response. “What do you know about love? You are a nun.”

Mother Abbess smiled softly. “I am also a woman… a woman who once fell in love.”

Leora’s brow shot up. “You fell in love?”

Mother Abbess nodded slowly. “I did.”

Mother Abbess looked at her as her hand stroked the beautifully craved cross that hung from a rope around her neck. Leora could tell it wasn’t her the abbess was seeing… it was a memory. And Leora did not have to think long to realize what must have happened.

“Your da didn’t approve of him?” Leora asked.

The past must have faded, for Mother Abbess nodded and her eyes took on more focus. “He was not what my da wanted for me. I sought the comfort of the abbey after my da made it clear he would never approve of such a union. A few months later I learned the man I loved died in battle. My da intended to arrange a marriage for me but I told him I intended to take my vows to the church. I knew deep in my heart that I could never love another man as I loved him, and I could not stand the thought of having another man’s arms around me, holding me, kissing me, demanding intimacy of me. I expected my da to argue and order me to return home, but he didn’t, and I was relieved. I often think it was my brother, God rest his soul, who had convinced him to let me be. So, I do understand the joy and sadness of love, and that joy still lives in my heart and memories to this day. If you have found love with your husband, don’t deny it, Leora. Embrace it and never let go of it.”

“How do I know if it is love? I barely know Noble and yet I feel things I have never felt before when I am with him, and I worry endlessly about him when he is gone.”

“Love can’t be defined with words, Leora, and even feelings can lead you astray—”

“Then how does one know when one is in love?”

“A question that will be pondered until the end of time. For me, I knew instantly, as soon as I saw him, and I saw the same recognition in his eyes when his glance settled on me. It was like being reunited with a missing piece of myself and once together we felt whole.”

Leora could only imagine the sorrow and pain the woman must have suffered losing the man she loved, and her heart broke for her.

“Do not waste a moment, Leora,” Mother Abbess urged. “If you are lucky enough to have found love, then love him every day you can before it is too late.”

* * *

It was late.Noble hadn’t expected to be gone well into the night, but he had learned that the man who had fired the arrow hitting Finley had not been alone. He and Bew had managed to find tracks, far too many of them, and whether it was sheer luck or skill, he didn’t know which, but he was relieved to have found the group. Unfortunately, and to Noble’s bewilderment, they all were dead.

He wondered over who had killed them. Had Slayer seen it done? Was it another band of mercenaries? Had the troop of Lowlanders reached here already? But most importantly, was his wife still in danger?

Noble dried his chest and arms with his shirt, he had taken off so he could wash himself, as he entered the Great Hall. He had made use of one of the many barrels filled with rainwater to give himself a quick wash, not wanting to smell of sweat and death when he entered his bedchamber. He was exhausted from no sleep and should be ready to drop into bed, and yet…

He wanted nothing more than to couple with his wife. He knew he had the stamina, having found a willing woman after many a day long battle and enjoying a night with one, and a good sound sleep afterwards. This was different though, his wife was a virgin and though he did not think she would be reluctant, she probably would be somewhat hesitant, shy of being naked in front of him since he intended for her to be naked, not half-clothed like some women insisted on.

Patience, he thought as he climbed the stairs. He would need to take it slow, introduce her to what goes on between a man and a woman so she would feel comfortable with it… with him.

He dropped his damp shirt into the basket outside their bedchamber door, raked his fingers through his hair, took a fortifying breath and opened the door.

She stood in her nightdress in front of the low-burning hearth and turned quickly to look at him. His heart slammed against his chest; she looked like a wanton beauty. The red in her hair blazed like fiery flames and fell in a mass of disheveled waves around her head and over her shoulders, the neck ties of her nightdress lay open enough for him to spy the tops of her full breasts and her lips looked ripe for kissing. She stood staring at him, not moving, as if she were frozen in place.

He could see she knew what he intended, and he worried she was frightened. He reminded himself to be patient and he turned and closed the door. When he turned back around, his wife was stripping her night dress off, then she dropped it to the ground and looked as if she was not quite sure what to do next.

Noble didn’t hesitate, he started walking toward her, stripping his garments off as he went.


Noble couldn’t take his eyes off his wife as he approached her. She was a rare beauty, her body perfectly sculpted in curves that he ached to touch. The flames in the hearth highlighted the red in her hair, making it appear as if the waves that fell around her face and over her shoulders to skim the tips of her puckered nipples looked to be ablaze, though not as fiery as the blaze of passion in her lovely green eyes.