“I know not what to do,” she confessed softly, staying as she was, a bit anxious yet eager to discover the intimacies between a husband and wife.

“I do,” he said, and his arm curled around the curve of her waist to draw her against him as he brought his lips down on hers.

His kiss did not demand, it coaxed her to join him in pleasure and she did. But it was not only the kiss she enjoyed but the feeling of his naked body against hers. There was a heat to it that drew her and made her want to explore every part of him, and his hard muscles reminded her of his strength and fierceness. But with the tender yet possessive way his arm remained firm around her waist, there was no doubting he was in command. And that was fine with her since she had no idea what to do, though whether it was passion or curiosity or both, she could not stop herself from stroking his chest. She even dared to let her hand wander over his muscles moving lower and lower until her fingers brushed along a nest of hair.

He halted their kiss, took a calming breath, and met her eyes with his. “Touch me anywhere and everywhere, wife, I welcome it, and know that all of me belongs to you now, just as all of you belongs to me.”

His remark left Leora feeling a bit empowered and as he settled his lips on hers once again, she continued exploring him, her hand resting on his manhood briefly before she removed it.

He hurried his lips off hers. “Do not stop. I enjoy your touch.”

She slipped her hand over his manhood again, reveling in its size and strength.

“It throbs,” she whispered.

“For you,” he said, lost in the pleasure of her inquisitive strokes.

“It is so large.”

“We will fit perfectly… I will make sure of it.”

His fierce confidence had her saying, “I trust you completely, Noble.”

Her complete faith in him and her innocent touches had him tilting his head back to release a groan of pleasure as her hand stroked under his manhood to cup his sac and weigh it gently in her hand before giving it a tender squeeze then slipping around his manhood to stroke it once again.

Noble’s hand fell off her waist as he took a step back away from her, forcing her hand to slip off his shaft. If he let her continue much longer the night would be over before it began.

“Your turn, wife,” he said and scooped her up into his arms and carried her to the bed.

A pleasurable excitement raced through her and she ached with anticipation.

He lowered her down on the bed then moved to hover over her, placing his hands at either side of her head on the mattress and kissing her lightly before saying, “You are nothing like I thought you would be.”

Leora ached to touch him again and rested her hand against his chest. “And you, dear husband, are far more than I expected.”

Her hand fell away as he kissed her and lowered his body to skim his chest lightly over hers. Her hard nipples teased his chest and fueled the passion that already riddled his body from her intimate touches. He felt her shudder and was pleased she was feeling the same. He added to their mounting passion by moving the tip of his shaft to tease between her legs so she would welcome him when the time came. She surprised him when she spread her legs eagerly welcoming him without hesitation. And while he could easily slip into her and pleasure them both, there was more he wanted to introduce her to first.

Leora gasped when his mouth settled over her nipple, and he rolled his tongue over it and nipped at it playfully.

Never had she known such pleasure existed or how easily she could surrender to it, but she would not deny her body what it craved or deny the pleasure she shared with her husband. She couldn’t if she wanted to, her desire was far too strong and her trust in her husband even stronger.

He was gentle with her, though there was a demand in his kisses and his touch that could not be ignored. He was letting her know he was in command, and she did not have to worry about anything but enjoying this time with him.

She gasped as his lips continued to explore her body and his hands joined in as well, touching her in places she herself had never touched and never knew could create such a fiery pleasure within her.

Her hips lifted instinctively when his fingers entered her, shocked by the intimate intrusion and yet finding it igniting her passion even more.

His name slipped from her lips in a gasp. “Noble!”

He moved to suddenly brush his lips across hers. “You are a beautiful woman, Leora, in body, mind, and heart.”

People endlessly commented on her beauty but never had anyone, not once, had seen beyond her facial beauty. Never had anyone complimented her mind or seen any beauty in her heart and at that moment she knew without a doubt that…

I love you, Noble.

The words were loud in her head, but they never reached her lips. Did she worry he did not feel the same? Or was she not sure herself?

He kissed her in such a way that it made her feel as if they were sealing something, and they were. Their coupling would seal their vows tying them together forever, and she returned his kiss in kind sealing her fate.