Bew still did not understand.

“There are no tracks because Lance continues to track, and he takes no chance of being discovered. That means whoever Lance is tracking he suspects has two trackers themselves, one who follows behind the troop and one who precedes them, similar to what we do.

Bew seemed doubtful, a slight shake to his head. “I cannot believe he would do something like that without leaving us some indication.”

“Unless he was left in no position to do so.

Bew’s brow quickly drew tight. “That could mean he’s in trouble.” Then he thought better of his response. “Or he had no time to let anyone know or risk discovery. But what do we do now?”

“We go home and wait for him to return,” Noble said.

“What if we have alerted the tracker to Lance’s presence?” Bew asked.

“Of that I am not sure, Bew,” Noble said. “It is a chance we will have to take, but if Lance does not return home within several days, we will search again.”

“Lance is like a hound with a bone when he’s tracking, refusing to let go until he’s satisfied,” Bew said.

Noble gave Bew’s shoulder a hardy slap, leaving it to rest there in reassurance. “But a hound forgoes his bone once his master summons him. Lance knows that he cannot delay for long in bringing me whatever he may have discovered. But just to be certain, there is one area we haven’t searched yet. We will cover that one and if nothing is found we will head home.

* * *

Leora lookedover the village with Finley. “I do believe the old chieftain did not worry over being attacked. He left the village far too exposed.”

“My thought would be that Clan Skirling sits so close to Clan Ravinsher that he figured no one would dare attack his clan, not with Slayer leading the vast troop of Gallowglass warriors in the area. Besides, why would anyone want to attack an insignificant clan like Clan Skirling and risk the Gallowglass’s wrath?” Finley shook his head. “It would mean certain death.”

“Perhaps, but I’m sure you know well the chaos that ensues when a clan is attacked, and I imagine the Gallowglass even count on it. If the clan knows what to do on the onset of attack, it makes for a better chance of victory.” She started walking, casting a glance around and spotting the small black pup sniffing the ground close by. “Keep up, Chief,” she called out and the small pup hurried to follow alongside her.

“He has grown strong quickly these last few days,” Finley said as he followed along with her.

“That he has,” she said, pleased how the pup had added weight and was healing well. “He gets what he needs to grow strong… plenty of food and sleep. Now tell me what you think is the most important thing a clan can do when first under attack?”

“Get to their weapons,” he said without hesitation.

“Then weapons need to be kept handy at all times and not just in the home, but in areas where one would never expect them to be located, like the food storage sheds.”

“The women and children should be sheltered in the keep,” Finley went on.

“I suppose since it is what most clans do when under attack, but I worry that if the clan suffers defeat, then the women and children are left easy prey for the enemy. Wouldn’t it be wiser if the women and children appeared to rush into the keep but leave through the kitchen and escape into the woods and make their way to Clan Ravinsher. There should also be a designated person who, at first sign of attack, makes his way to Clan Ravinsher so Lord Slayer can send help.”

They continued to walk and talk, formulating a plan that Leora suggested be implemented immediately. Finley agreed and once they finished talking, he left Leora to begin to organize and see the plan carried out without delay.

Leora lingered in the village, speaking to various people, Chief often providing a conversation starter since several people commented on how the small pup followed her so faithfully. She was glad she was getting to know everyone here just as she had done at home. Every day she had walked through the village at home, speaking with young and old alike, seeing if anyone needed anything or simply sharing a conversation with them, and she missed that and she missed—her husband.

The thought surprised her. She had grown accustomed to his presence, found conversation with him enjoyable and challenging at times, and she favored the closeness that had developed naturally between them, an intimacy of sorts that was rather pleasing and something she realized in his absence that she missed.

Thoughts of him always sent a rash of tingles rushing through her or fluttered her stomach. There was no denying she favored her husband, and she wondered if that could be a prelude to love. Could she possibly be falling in love with this man who she had been given in marriage to? Could they have a good life together if she truly gave it a chance?

She glanced around the village. Everyone was busy restoring the village and, in a way, their own lives. Smiles were plentiful as was laughter and easy chatter. This was her new home. She would never return to Clan Murdock. That was Elsie and Cavell’s home now. Her life was here with Noble, and it was up to her what she made of it.


Leora turned to see warriors rushing out of the woods on one side of the village, their roars slicing through the pleasant breeze and weapons gripped in their hands.

She watched women freeze in shock, children clinging to them in fear. She scooped up Chief, he having taken a protective stance in front of her, and she ran, yelling, “Get the children into the keep!”

Leora’s shouts startled the woman out of their daze, and they rushed to gather the children and hurry them to the keep. She spotted Calla ready to help herd the children and hurried to her.

“Take Chief and make sure he stays in the keep,” she ordered Calla.