The lass took the pup, but Chief protested, barking and whining as he was swept away from Leora.
Her next thought was clear. She grabbed a lad’s arm, no more than ten or eleven years, a small axe in his hand that would do little good against the size of the warriors descending on the clan.
She recalled the lad’s name having spoken to him earlier. “Robert, I need you to go and alert Clan Ravinsher to the attack. Lord Slayer will send help. Can you do that?”
He nodded and his hands trembled. “I can.”
“Good. There is no time to get a horse. You need to run like the devil is chasing you.”
“I think he is,” the lad said, his eyes turning wide as he stared beyond Leora’s shoulder.
She released his arm. “Run!”
Leora turned and she froze at the sight of a huge man, a metal helmet on his head with a metal piece covering from the bridge of his nose to the tip and long gray hair hanging from beneath it, standing just on the edge of the village, his many warriors fanning out behind him waiting for his signal to enter. His eyes were ablaze with rage and villagers fled away from him while Gallowglass warriors stood ready to fight.
He raised his hand and pointed his double-sided axe in the distance. “Get him.”
Two warriors ran along the edge of the woods, and she knew they chased after Robert, and the speed in which they traveled made it clear they would catch the lad.
Leora stared at the large man’s thick hands that gripped the battle axe. A powerful blow from one of his mighty fists would send any warrior who dared to challenge him sailing through the air and his grip on his double-sided axe let all know he was prepared to fight. He appeared unstoppable, and yet he didn’t move.
“I am here for the blonde, red-haired woman. Give her to me and no one will die today,” the large man shouted, his solid voice booming throughout the village.
Heads turned and glances fell on Leora, though not one Gallowglass warrior looked her way. She could not blame those who had since she doubted many of them had done so on purpose. It was a natural reaction and no doubt a regretful one once they realized their response gave the large warrior what he wanted.
Leora did not hesitate to respond as well. She would not see anyone die today because of her. She walked toward him.
“Stay back,” Finley ordered, rushing to stop her.
“Nay!” Leora snapped. “No one will die today.”
“Wise woman,” the large warrior called out with a nod.
“We have no choice but to fight,” Finley said. “A Gallowglass warrior never surrenders and always protects their own.”
“I will not see anyone die because of me,” Leora argued.
Impatience had the large man walking toward her, and when Finley went to stop him, he swatted him away with one blow of his meaty fist, sending Finley sailing into the air and landing on the ground motionless.
Gallowglass warriors went to rush forward as did the large warrior’s men.
“ENOUGH!” Leora shouted. “You will hold your weapons while I speak to this man, and someone go tend to Finley.” She walked slowly toward the man. “What do you want of me?”
He tilted his head from side to side, then with two giant steps was in front of her.
“Remain as you are!” Leora ordered, seeing her husband’s warriors ready to fight. She raised her chin and looked straight at him. “I will ask one more time. What is it you want from me?”
The large warrior shook his head. “It is not you I seek.” He looked past her to the Gallowglass. “Let your chieftain know I have no reason to battle with him. I leave you in peace and will not return. But if he follows out of senseless revenge, then I promise you that all here will die, and I will burn the village to the ground.”
His warriors began backing away as did the large warrior, then they turned and disappeared into the woods.
* * *
Having foundno sign of Lance, in the last area they searched, Noble and his warriors headed home. An unsettled feeling plagued him as he rode, and he worried he was missing something. His thoughts continued to linger too often on his wife, not allowing him to pay full attention to the matter at hand. What had he missed?
He could not shake the feeling that there had been something for him to see and he had failed to see it. Lance thought it important to follow whoever he was tracking—why? Had he heard something that caused him to continue to track? Were they to meet up with someone and he wanted to find out who?
Noble shook his head. He often attempted to think like his enemy before going into battle. But this wasn’t a battle, this was either an assassination or abduction attempt. What would he do if he led either of these two troops?