“Briar,” Brogan whispers. She rests her head on my shoulder, wrapping her arms around me. “That’s—I think my ovaries just exploded.”

I nod. I can’t admit… okay, I won’t admit that I feel as though mine did too. I’ve never met a man like Forrest. Not that there have been a lot of men in my life. Not since the night I got pregnant. I’ve been too busy being a single mom, grieving the loss of my father, and just living one day at a time.

When Forrest closes the book, Brogan steps away from me, and I move into the room. “Girls, it’s time for bed,” I tell them.

“Forrest, can you tuck us in?” River asks.

“If it’s okay with your momma, I’d love to.”

“Please, Mommy?” the girls beg.

I glance at Forrest, and he gives me a subtle nod. “Okay, go get in your jammies and brush your teeth.”

“I’ll help,” Brogan says. “Forrest, it was good to see you.”

“You too,” he replies, and this time I see it. He barely glances at her. His eyes are all for me. Heat coats my cheeks. I’m not used to having a man’s attention. Not like this. One look has me feeling as though I could combust.

“They’re great,” he says, breaking the ice.

“Thank you. I’m sorry for that.” I point to his hair and to his nails.

He shrugs. “Their smiles were worth it.”

“Are you always this… charming?” I ask him.

A slow, sexy grin pulls at the corner of his mouth. “You think I’m charming?”

I wave him off, hoping like hell I appear to be unaffected. “You know what I mean.”

“I’m just me, Briar. I’m a man who hasn’t been able to stop thinking about you since the twins' birthday party. I heard your voice today, and I knew it was you. I had to see you. Then tonight—this—it was perfect.”

I scoff. “Spending your evening with my four-year-old daughters doing your hair in bows and painting your nails was perfect?” I’m being a bitch for no reason, but I can’t seem to help myself. His confession softened my heart, and I can feel the bricks around it starting to crack. I’m not ready for that.

“Yes. Great food, and even better company.”

“What do you want, Forrest?”

“I want to get to know you. I’ve never had a woman consume my thoughts like this. Tell me you feel this?”

“I’m a single mom.”

“I know that.”

“What happens when they get attached to you and you decide you don’t want to be around anymore? I know heartbreak is inevitable, but I’d like for them to live a little longer without it.”

He stands from his seat on the couch. It takes him a few strides of those long-ass legs of his to be standing in front of me. He bends his knees so we are eye to eye. “I’m not here to hurt you or them. I’m here because I want to be. I feel a connection to you, and I can’t stop thinking about you. Let me show you.”

“I—I don’t know how. I don’t know if I can.”

“Baby steps,” he assures me. “We’ll take baby steps and when you know, when you’re ready, you tell me.”

“Forty!” the twins yell down the hall. “We’re ready!” they call out.

A smile breaks out across his face. “Hold that thought.” He stands, and this time when he leans in, he presses his lips to my forehead. He saunters off down the hallway as if he’s been here a thousand times. It takes a few seconds, but my legs finally start to work, and I follow after him.

“Did you ladies brush your teeth like your momma asked?” he asks them.

I stand in the doorway watching.


“Perfect.” He walks over to River’s bed. He leans down and tucks the blanket around her body, making her look like a tiny human burrito. “Night, Razzle.” He moves and repeats the same process with Rayne. “Night, Dazzle.”

“Night, Forty,” they say together.

He stands and walks toward me. I go in and kiss the girls goodnight before meeting him in the hallway. Forrest places his hand on the small of my back and leads me back toward the living room.

“I won’t push you, Briar. But this”—he waves his free hand between us—“whatever it is, we deserve to see if it can be more.”

“This is… out of left field.”

“Not really. I would have worn my sister or Monroe down for your number, eventually. You coming into the shop today was meant to be.”

I open my mouth to speak, but the words won’t come. My brain is too busy trying to process what’s happening. He wants me.

“Sleep on it. I left my card that has my cell phone number on the coffee table.” With his hand still locked with mine, he leads us to the front door. “Goodnight.” His lips press to my cheek, and then he’s gone. I stand in the doorway watching as he leaves until I can no longer see his taillights.