It’s not until I’m in the house, sitting on the couch, trying to wrap my head around today’s turn of events that I realize I didn’t show him the pocket watch. Picking up his business card, I contemplate texting him pictures but ultimately decide not to. Maybe I can have Brogan stop by the shop and let him take his pictures? Then again, maybe having Forrest do my tattoo isn’t the best idea.

My head is a mess, and nothing needs to be decided tonight. I lock up the house, turn off the lights, and head to my room. I contemplate knocking on Brogan’s door, but I don’t even know what I would say. I need to process before I talk about it.




Five days. That’s how long it’s been since I had dinner at Briar’s place with her and the girls. Five days with no calls, no text messages, no drop-ins at the shop. Nothing. Absolutely nothing from her in five days.

Five days of the guys giving me shit for having pink and purple sparkly painted fingernails. It’s been a good conversation piece with clients. I finally broke down last night and went over to my sister’s and used some of her remover to take it off. I felt guilty for doing it. That’s crazy, right? It’s just the thought of hurting River and Rayne’s feelings guts me.

What’s worse, I was supposed to be stopping by Briar’s to look at her dad’s pocket watch that night, but all I could see was her and her daughters. As soon as I stepped through the door, all thoughts of the watch were pushed to the back of my mind. When I pulled away that night, I realized I had forgotten, but I didn’t want to go back in after already saying goodbye. I thought it would be another excuse to see her.

It’s been five long days.

I assumed she would reach out. I left her my number, but she hasn’t. I’ve been kicking myself in the ass because I didn’t get her number. That means, today, it’s time to take drastic measures.

Glancing at the time on my phone, I see it’s just after seven. If the girls have the same routine as the night I was there, they will be in bed soon. Decision made, I hit Emerson’s contact and place the phone to my ear.

“What’s up, big brother?” she answers.

“Just holding down the couch,” I tell her. “I have a favor.”


Just like that, she’s agreeing, but she also doesn’t know what I’m asking for. “I need Briar’s number.”


“Yes. She came to the shop, and we talked about her tattoo, but I forgot to get her number, and I have some questions about her piece.”

“You forgot to get her number? Did she not fill out an intake form?”


“That’s… unusual,” she replies.

I know I’m busted. She’s going to reach out to Lyra and Drake, the two shop employees who work the desk and find out why. Emerson trained them, after all. “It’s not a big deal, but I need to call her and give her an update.”

“Well, I love you, Forty, but I can’t just give out her number without asking her. Let me text her.”

“Fine. Call me back.”

“No need. I put you on speaker and sent the message. She just read it. Oh, she’s replying. And… she says it’s fine. I’ll text it to you.”

“Thanks, kid.”

“Married and a mom,” she says, reminding me.

“Love you, kid.”

She chuckles at my refusal to call her by her name. She will always be my kid sister.

“Love you, too, Forty.”

The call ends, and I immediately open her text message and save Briar's contact. Instead of a normal call, I hit video call. It’s been five long fucking days since I’ve laid eyes on her. She’s consumed my thoughts, and I just need to see her. Besides, maybe the twins will be up and I can say goodnight to them.

The call connects, and her face appears on the screen. She’s sitting down, and the girls are on either side of her. I smile. “Hey, ladies.”

“Forty!” The girls wiggle with excitement and try to get closer to the phone.

“Razzle, Dazzle, are you being good for your momma?”

“We’re reading a story,” River tells me.

“And then we have to go to bed,” Rayne adds.

“Sleep is important,” I tell them.

“That’s what Mommy says,” Rayne says solemnly.

“Girls, go potty and get in bed. I’ll be there soon to tuck you in.”

“Bye, Forty. Wait.” River grabs the phone and holds it so close to her face that I can barely distinguish her features. “When are you coming to see us again?”

“Soon.” It’s a promise I intend to keep. “I’ll talk to your mom, and we’ll make plans.”


“Goodnight, Forty,” they chorus.

“I’ll be right there,” Briar calls after them. She watches them walk away before her gaze comes back to the phone.