“Well, when you put it like that, who am I to turn down the request of a lovely lady?” He smirks.
“Mad,” Forrest says. His tone is low, almost a warning.
“I’m just teasing. I’d love another. Thank you, Briar.” Maddox smiles before turning toward Forrest. “See, I can behave, Dad,” he teases.
“Anyone else?” I offer.
“Yes, but I’ll help.” Lachlan stands with his plate in his hands.
“I can get it. You’re a guest.”
“That doesn’t mean you have to wait on us,” Roman tells me. “Trust me, Em and Mo wouldn’t let us get away with that. You shouldn’t either.”
“What he said.” Lachlan nods, scooping up another piece of cake for himself and Maddox.
The guys are content to sit with the twins, so Brogan, Monroe, Maggie, Emerson, and I all sit at the kitchen island. This day didn’t turn out like I planned, and I can admit—even if just to myself—that it was better. I don’t know how I feel about these new people in our lives. Only time will tell.
My last client of the day canceled this morning. When Lyra asked me if I wanted her to try to fill the spot, I told her no. I need to get caught up on a ton of designs for clients in the coming weeks, and it’s already three in the afternoon. It will be an early night, so I’ll probably see if Roman and Emerson will let me take Lilly for a walk. I’m sure they’ll appreciate the alone time. Not that I want to think about my sister and her husband and what they might use that time for. I’m going to pretend it’s to get caught up on household chores. Yep, that’s what they’ll be doing.
Dropping my pencil, I lean back in my chair and stretch my arms above my head. I need to take a quick break and find Roman to tell him I’m stealing his daughter later. I might as well enjoy time with my niece since I’m getting out of here earlier than planned. Standing, I twist and turn, stretching out my back before stepping out of my room.
I make it one step out of the door when a voice I recognize has me turning on my heel and heading for the reception area instead. I’m sure my mind is just playing tricks on me. It’s not her, but my feet carry me in that direction, anyway. I haven’t been able to get Briar out of my head for weeks. Two specifically, at least since I’ve been counting. Two weeks ago, her adorable daughters turned four, and I held her in my arms, not once but twice that day.
Twice. I held her twice. Her body molded next to mine perfectly. It’s as if she was made to be in my arms. Briar and her lavender scent are all I can seem to think about. I don’t know her well. I know she works with Monroe. I know that she’s a twin herself, and that her twin daughters are too damn adorable. I’ve been hoping I would run into her again. I’ve considered asking Emerson or Monroe for her number, but I’ve been holding strong by not asking.
Is she really here?
As soon as I step around the corner, I see her. She’s standing at the counter, and Lyra is flipping through the schedule. I stop so I can take her in without any interruptions. She’s gorgeous, and here. In my shop.
“Do you have a preference on which artist?” Lyra asks her.
“I was told that all of them are great. Whoever is fine,” Briar answers.
Yeah, whoever is not fine. If anyone is going to be putting their hands on her, inking her soft, milky skin, it’s going to be me.
“Put her with me.” In three long strides, I’m standing next to Lyra, smiling at Briar. “Hey, Briar. Good to see you.” Her cheeks turn a very light shade of pink. Most probably wouldn’t notice, but I do.
“Hi, Forrest.” She tucks her long chestnut locks behind her ear.
“You here to get some work done?”
She nods. “Yeah, I don’t really have a design, but I have some ideas.”
“Do you have some time now? My last client of the day canceled, so I’m free.”
“Are you sure? I know I need an appointment.”
“And I just gave you one. Come on back.” I motion with my head toward my room.
“Thought you were leaving early today?” Lyra smirks.
“Nope.” I glare at Lyra, and she covers her mouth with her hand to ward off her laughter.
“I don’t want you to stay late for me.”
“I was scheduled until eight. I’ve got plenty of time.” Besides, there’s nothing waiting for me at home. Sure, I wanted to get Lilly, but I can do that another day. I’m not passing up the chance to spend time with the woman who has consumed my thoughts for the last two weeks.