“I agree. Unexpected but nice. The girls have had an amazing birthday.”
“They didn’t mean to hurt your feelings,” she says, calling me out on my behavior.
My shoulders fall and I know I can’t avoid this conversation. “It’s not that they hurt my feelings. The girls are excited, and there are new people here for them. It’s just that… they’re going to get attached to him. To all of them,” I amend. “Then what happens? It’s you and me who will be left to pick up the pieces to explain to them why their new friends are no longer coming around.”
Brogan gives me a sympathetic look, but she knows me and my trust issues. She has trust issues of her own, but they don’t run as deeply as mine do.
“At some point, we have to stop letting that night control our lives.”
“How? Tell me how, Brogan. I’d love to erase it all, but then I wouldn’t have those two tiny humans in there, and they are my entire world.”
“One day at a time, little sister. Just as we’ve done every day since. We take it all one day at a time.” She turns to look toward the living room. There’s a lot of chatter and excited squeals coming from my daughters. “I think they’ll surprise you.”
“Nothing surprises me anymore.” I’m aware I’m being negative with all of this, but I can’t stomach the thought of my girls getting attached and then everyone in that room disappears on them. I know it’s just a birthday party, but the worry is there all the same. I was never a worrier until after that night. And when I found out I was pregnant, it only got worse.
“Mommy!” River comes racing into the room. “Say cheese.” She holds her camera up, and I smile for her and say, “Cheese,” as instructed. She snaps my picture, and I watch as she prints it out and hands it to me.
“That’s really cool.”
“Now me,” Rayne says, running into the room. “Say ‘Cheese.’” She points her camera at me, and I repeat the same process. She, too, prints her picture and hands it to me.
“What should we do with these?” I ask them.
“Album!” They turn and race off to the living room to get their albums.
“You should probably make my brother provide monthly refills for those cameras,” Emerson jokes as she enters the kitchen. “They’re taking all kinds of pictures out there.”
“He’s done enough. You all have. It was a great gift idea.”
Before Emerson can reply, everyone files into the kitchen. Maddox is holding Lilly, while Forrest has both River and Rayne in his arms.
“Girls, what do you tell everyone for your gifts?” I ask them.
“Thank you,” they say in unison.
“Now, give Forrest a break and get into your chairs. It’s time to sing ‘Happy Birthday’ and blow out your candles.” They do as I ask, and clamber off to their chairs. Legend is the closest to them and helps them climb up. They smile up at him and say thank you, remembering the manners I’ve worked so hard to instill in them.
Once everyone is gathered around, I light the candles, and we sing to the girls, making sure to say both of their names. Half of us say River first and the other half say Rayne. The girls giggle like it’s the funniest thing they’ve ever heard.
“Make a wish,” I tell them. I watch as they close their eyes and make their wishes before blowing out their candles. I don’t get a chance to offer them a fork. Instead, they stick their index fingers into the icing just like Lilly did at her party, making everyone laugh.
Moving to the island, I start cutting up the larger cake and placing pieces on paper plates. Emerson jumps in and adds ice cream, while Monroe and Maggie pass them out. The guys are all sitting around the table, making faces and keeping the girls entertained.
It all feels… natural. As if we’ve known this group for all our lives. My girls act as though this is a normal occurrence when it’s not even close. They’re soaking up all the attention and that makes me both happy and sad.
“This cake is so good,” Maddox says.
“We got it at the bakery in town,” Brogan tells him.
“I thought you were going to tell me you made it.”
“Good thing, I was about to propose marriage.”
“I mean, the cake is good, Mad, but I’m not sure it’s that good.” Lachlan chuckles.
“If I didn’t think old man Carlisle would kick my ass for hitting on his wife, I might still consider it,” Maddox says, shoving another bite of cake into his mouth.
“She’s in her seventies,” Legend tells him, barely containing his laughter.
“This is some good cake.” Maddox grins, finishing off his piece.
“Do you want another piece?” I ask him. He hesitates. “We don’t need all of this cake for just us. Actually, I’d rather not have any left over at all. You’d be doing me a favor.”