“We want you to go with us.” River juts out her bottom lip.
“Blocks are my jam,” he says enthusiastically. Standing to his full height, he walks to where his sister is sitting on the floor with his niece, takes a seat, and the girls plop down on his lap. He reaches for a few blocks, and they start to play. Lilly comes walking over, and she, too, somehow manages to settle on his lap.
“Girls, let Forrest have some space.”
“Mommy, he’s our Forty,” Rayne says.
“Yeah, Mommy.” Forrest winks at me. “They’re fine, babe.”
I melt under his gaze, and I’m certain everyone in this room can see it. I’m terrible at hiding my emotions and right now, they’re stronger than ever when it comes to this man.
“It’s almost time to eat,” Legend announces.
“Can we help?” Brogan asks.
“Sure, come on into the kitchen.” Brogan follows Monroe and Legend into the kitchen. Maggie trails behind them.
“You coming, Briar?” Emerson asks me.
I glance back at the girls.
“I’ve got them,” Forrest tells me. “Go have girl talk or whatever it is you ladies do.”
“Are you sure?”
“He’s sure,” Maddox speaks up. “We’ve got a tower to build, right, girls?”
“A tower?” the twins ask at the same time.
Maddox moves to the floor and starts stacking blocks, and the girls climb off Forrest's lap to help him. Lilly curls up on his shoulder, and let me tell you, it’s a sight to see these men so tender with my daughters and Lilly. I don’t know what we did to bring these people into our lives, but I’m grateful.
“How much longer?” Emerson whines. “This is torture, Mo. Pure torture.”
“Baby girl, she’ll tell us soon.” Roman tries to pacify her.
“I guess we can tell everyone.” Monroe looks up at Legend, who is staring at her like she’s his entire world.
“Whatever you want,” he tells her.
“Let’s do it.” Monroe stands from where she was sitting on Legend’s lap on the couch, and moves to the kitchen. She comes back holding a box. “Everyone gets a cupcake. Rayne? River? Would you want to help me with something really special?” she asks the girls.
“Yes!” they cheer.
“Em, how do you feel about Lilly getting messy with a cupcake?”
“I don’t think she needs all the sugar. It’s almost nap time,” Emerson replies.
Monroe nods. “We’ll send hers home with you.” She motions for the girls to come to the coffee table. She places two small paper plates down and unwraps two cupcakes. “Okay, are you ready for the rules?” Monroe asks them.
“Yes,” they say in unison.
“So, these cupcakes are very special. The insides are either pink or blue. If you have pink in your cupcake, that means my baby is a girl. If you have blue inside your cupcake, that means I’m having a boy.” Monroe peels the paper off the cupcakes to make it easier for them to bite into.
“Where’s your baby?” River asks.
“In my belly.”
Rayne turns to look at me. “Mommy, can we have a baby?”
My mouth falls open. I don’t know what to say. If I say yes, Forrest will think I want him to knock me up, and his friends and family are here. Also, the girls will keep asking. If I say no, it might crush them.
“Maybe one day,” Forrest answers for me. He’s sitting on the floor in front of my chair and gives my leg a gentle squeeze. His answer seems to appease my daughter, and she turns back to Monroe, ready for further instruction.
“Now, when I say three, you take a big bite of your cupcake and tell us what color it is. Are you ready?” Monroe asks them.
“Ready!” They wiggle in excitement.
“One. Two. Three!” Monroe calls out and the girls grab their treats and take a huge bite. They have icing all over their faces, pink and blue to throw us off, but there is no missing the blue crumbs that fall to their plates.
“A boy!” Emerson cheers and rushes toward her best friend, wrapping her in a hug. “We’re getting a boy.” Everyone takes turns passing out hugs, handshakes, and congratulations before we venture back to our seats.
“Em, it’s not ours.” Roman laughs.
“We’re a family. It’s ours. We need a boy. Three girls, he’s going to feel outnumbered.”
I freeze. Three girls. She included my daughters. Hot tears prick my eyes. I blink hard to push them back, but they’re still there. I chance a look at my sister, who is watching me closely. She’s sitting on the love seat with Maddox next to her. She also has tears in her eyes. She gives me a subtle nod.
This is where we belong.
“We need more babies,” Rayne announces.
“What do you think, Brogan? We could get some practice in,” Maddox asks my sister. She swats at his arm, and everyone laughs. Maddox catches my eye and winks. He could see the heaviness of the moment, and he eased the tension in the room.