I mouth a “Thank you,” and he nods.
“All right, who wants a cupcake?” Monroe asks.
We eat cupcakes, laugh, and talk, the kids play, and I can’t remember a day where I had more fun. It feels like everything we went through brought us here. To this town, these people.
This is where we were meant to be.
“It was nice of your girl to have us all over,” Lachlan tells me.
We’re sitting in lawn chairs in Briar and Brogan’s backyard. Today is July Fourth, and as it turns out, Ashby’s fireworks are set off on the other side of the river. There is a clear view from their backyard. Instead of having our annual Fourth of July party at my place, Briar and Brogan insisted we have it here. In the past, we never cared much about the fireworks. We’d let a few off in my backyard. I’d take Emerson when she was younger, but it wasn't that important as she got older and lost interest.
That’s about to change.
We have littles in the family again, and the girls have been stoked about this all week. We’re unsure how Lilly will do, but we’re all here to cuddle her if she hates them. Hopefully, she’ll love them.
“Yeah,” I agree with Lachlan. “The girls are pumped about the fireworks.”
“How’s that going?” he asks.
I turn to look at him. “What? The girls?”
“Yeah, you know, dating a single mom?”
“Good. Great, really. The girls are sweet as hell.”
“Where’s their dad?” Lachlan asks. “That jackass is missing out on seeing his kids grow up.”
“Not in the picture,” I say casually, hiding the anger that wells inside me when I think about what happened to Briar and Brogan that night.
“Good. You’re a better dad than he ever will be. Fucking sperm donors,” he mumbles under his breath.
Lachlan’s biological father is a deadbeat. He gave up his rights to Lachlan before he was born. Two years later, his mom met and married his stepdad. That’s the only father he’s ever known, and you would never know Lachlan isn’t his biological child. He’s been there for Lachlan without fail his entire life.
“I hope to be.”
Before he can answer, Rayne comes running over with tears in her eyes. “Forrest.” Her lip quivers.
“What’s wrong, Dazzle?” I ask, using her nickname, hoping it will cheer her up.
“I hurted my foot.”
“Let me see.” I lift her into my arms and inspect her bare foot. Sure enough, there’s a big red spot on the bottom of her right foot. “What happened?” I ask her.
“A big, big rock,” she says with a huff.
Leaning down, I kiss her foot. “There. All better.”
“You made it better, Forty,” she says, leaning back against my chest.
I wrap my arm around her, and my eyes find Lachlan’s.
“You’re a good man, Forrest Huntley.”
If loving this little girl, her sister, and their momma makes me a good man, then I’m the best there is. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for the three of them. I’m itching to say the words. To tell all three of them that I’m here to stay and that my heart is split in three for them, but I hold back. I need her to tell me she’s ready to hear it. Until she’s ready to accept that I love her, saying the words will be empty. When I tell her I love her, I want to see it in her eyes. I want that total acceptance that we are each other’s future. I want to be the girls’ dad. Waiting is torture, but she’s letting me in a little more each day.
“You want me to take her?” I look up to find Briar standing next to my chair.
“Nah, she’s fine. Where’s River?”
“She’s with Brogan. They’re around front, hiding from Maddox with a water gun.”
“I want my water gun,” Rayne says.
“You want me to take you?” I ask her.
“Come on, Rayne. Let's go sneak up on them,” Briar says.
Rayne turns and hugs me. “Love you, Forrest,” she whispers.
My heart stops. Briar freezes, but not me. I wrap my arms around her and kiss her cheek. “Love you, too, Dazzle.” My voice is gruff as I say the words I’ve been dying to let free. I want to tell her sister and her momma too, but Rayne, she got to them first, and no way in hell am I not saying it back.
Rayne smiles and climbs off my lap. “Mommy, I hurted my foot, but Forty kissed it better.” I hear her say as they walk off hand in hand.
Leaning forward, I rest my elbows on my knees. Damn, but my heart is melted into a puddle right now. Who knew a tiny four-year-old could bring me to my knees?
“Damn, bro,” Lachlan mutters.
“Yeah. I’m toast.” I laugh.
“Happy for you, man.”
“Thanks.” I sit back in my chair and let the moment sink in.