Page 46 of Faking the Shot

“I know! It’s like we reallyarefriends.”

Ouch. She didn’t think they were even that?

“Oh! I didn’t mean it to sound like that.”

He shook his head. “It’s okay, I know what you meant. And it is nice to be honest and get to know you more.”

Her expression turned soft, then she sipped her herbal tea.

He couldn’t afford to let himself get caught in the whirlpool of attraction that was floating beneath the surface here. He cleared his throat. “So, what did you mean before by saying your shows could be a little more real?”

Her nose wrinkled. “I probably shouldn’t have said that.”

“It’s okay if it’s you being honest.”

She exhaled. “Okay. So, sometimes I wonder if I’ve pigeonholed myself too much by the sorts of characters that I’ve played. Everyone sees me as this sweet innocent bubbly person on my shows and think that’s what I’m like in real life.”

He opened his eyes wide. “You mean you’re not?”

She flicked a sugar packet at him, taking him by surprise.

“Well, look who’s getting feisty.”

“You’ve got no idea.”

But he wanted one. “So, who is the real Ainsley Beckett? Why is she so unhappy about who she is portraying on these shows?”

“I’m not unhappy, just a little dissatisfied, maybe.” She sighed. “I had a run-in with one of the writers onAs The Heart Drawsa few months ago. My character, Abigail, was going to need to be rescued by her hero yet again.”

“Was she falling down some steps?”

She stuck her tongue out at him. “No, she wasn’t. Mind you, so far she’s been rescued from a bear, a coal mine cave-in, a flood and a fire.”

“Sounds accident-prone.”

“Right? Like you’d never believe this woman came all the way out from the east to come and teach school in the west by herself if she’s so helpless and needing a man to rescue her all the time.” She blew out a breath. “Sorry. Just got a little too real for a moment there.”

“I like real.”

“Good. Because you’re getting plenty of it tonight.”

Sure was. And he was here for it.

“Anyway, I asked them if they could change the story and have a female be heroic for a change. It took some convincing, but then they actually took it on board which ultimately saw Cassie get a cameo role where she saved Harrison’s butt in the story, which was awesome.”

“I thought Harrison was supposed to be your hero?”

She nodded. “It’s created a little bit of a love triangle. It’ll work out in my favor because, as you pointed out, I’m the face ofAs The Heart Draws.”

Her tone, her expression, held a tinge of resignation, that she didn’t really like that thought. “Do you want to be?”


“It sounds like you’re the main character that the others revolve around.”

Her shoulders slumped. “I am. It’s awesome, but also a burden. Because I feel like I have to do this role, and there are others who depend on me. I’ve had people tell me that if I were to leave, the show would fold.”

“Whoa. No pressure.”