Page 44 of Scars and Burns

She’s already at the cliffs edge in the forest when I arrive in the shadows behind her. Not really surprised by that. Somehow she is always here when I arrive.

She’s standing on the edge of the clearing. A slight misstep and she’d fall to her death. The stream is deep but not safe enough from a fall at this height.

She’s just standing there looking out. I see her fingers fidgeting on her shoulder under her tunic. I scan her body. She’s strong. Fit even. I can tell she works-out. Clearly dedicated to her training. Her pants are tight around her legs. Complimenting her perfect ass. My eyes linger there far too long before I force myself to keep going. She’s wearing long sleeved leathers. The weather is turningbut not cold enough for the thickness of her top. It’s around her torso and arms. Cinching in around her waist. Flaring out a few inches from the structure of the material. Giving her waist an even smaller appearance. Her blades are sheathed behind her back. Creating a shallow ‘X’. Smart, easy accessibility.

She shifts forward just a little and my heart falters. If she jumps I don’t know what I’ll do. We haven’t even begun to explore what is between us.

I have so many questions. I don’t know if she will hold any of the answers but I do know I can’t let her fall.

Admiring her long enough I decided to speak. Not willing to wait and see if she’ll jump or not. I ask, “Thinking about jumping, Princess?”

She freezes. Not fully turning to me. Speaking over her shoulder, “Only to see if I can fly.”

What an odd answer.

I don’t say anything. Not really sure how to respond to that. Fae did once have the ability to fly but no longer is that the case. After the three-hundred year war it is said the Goddess wanted to punish us for defiling her land. Taking away are wings as punishment. No child born since the end of the three-hundred year war as developed wings and every Fae that had wings prior to the war vanished, never to be seen again.

She turns to me. A blank expression on her face but curiosity in her eyes.

“And I’m not a princess. What are you doing here? Lost again?”

I’m lost in thought. Taking her in, face to face now. Before I noticed a small smile appeared on her face and she’s asked me a question. A reference to our last conversation. The tone and atmosphere are far lighter than before though.

I glance her over, again. Her body language is relaxed but stillsomehow tense. Ready to defend herself if needed. She’s wearing a high neck top. Clearly trying to keep her complete Goddess mark a secret.

Shoving my hands in my pocket. Surprisingly nervous. Goddess I’m sure I look like a fool. I’ve never been nervous speaking with a woman in my life. What is it that she does to me that makes me lose all my bearings.

I give her a half smile back, “No, not lost. Just liked what I saw last time I was here.”

She restrains a smile. Pursing her lips together. “The trees? Or the waterfall perhaps?” Raising her hand and gesturing to the abundant forest around us.

Giving her a small huff. So she wants to play. “Well, those are beautiful. However, I was referring to something far more extraordinary.”

“Something?” She tilts her head.

I shrug my shoulders, “More of a someone.”

“Oh? And what makes this someone so extraordinary?”

My face turns serious. My eyes meet hers, “Everything.”

Shock fills her features. I’m sure she’s never been spoken to this way before. But she deserves to be. She is extraordinary. She is a mystery I have yet to solve. Her white flame with colors and sparks of starlight. Her need for killing. The darkness that rages on inside of her. Her complete goddess. This unnerving pull I feel towards her. She is slowly becoming my everything.

She looks away from me. “I hope you find the person you seek.”

“I already have.”

Her eyes snap back to mine. She’s skeptical of me. I can tell. She doesn’t trust me. Why should she?

I start to walk towards her. She matches my steps.

It’s like we’re in a duel. Circling around the other. Every action hasa reaction. Moving in sync. Watching each other intently.

By the time we stop. My back is now to the stream and hers to the tree line. A full 180.

She’s going to keep her distance from me. How am I going to get her to trust me?

I roll my sleeves up to my elbows. She watches my movement. Eyes lingering on my forearms.