Page 43 of Scars and Burns

Saphrina and I gave her magic lesson another go. I cupped her hands in mine. Told her to picture it, feel it. Just as Mother once did for me.

Then it came to life. A ball of energy with the slight glow color of a full moon. The light in her eyes brighter than I had ever seen.

We ended her magic lesson there.

She still had other lessons for the day. So, I bid her farewell. Ensuring her that I would return in time to have supper together.

I made my way to the forest like I always do. I’m looking out over the clearing. Caressing my fingers around the wound I received from the raid.

It’s a four inch gash on the soft area between my neck and shoulder. Not even realizing it at the time. Not until I showered and it stung from the water. It will leave a nasty scar.

Not the first but definitely so far the worst.

I keep messing with it. Breaking it open. Not allowing it to heal. The sting I feel every time the skin parts again issatisfying.

I’ve gone numb again. Just as I was after I made my first kill. The world around me is distant and far away. I keep waiting for a rush of feelings or emotions to come over me.

But it never does.

My mind has been desensitized.

I haven’t felt a thing since that night except for my encounter with the Shadowling.

I recall the warmth. Not truly realizing how cold I had grown allmy life until he ceased it.

He didn’t just take away my numbness, he reached something inside of me.

He pinned me to a tree and I let him. He restrained my hands above my head and I liked it. His lips met my skin and it’s all I can think about.

That’s when I feel it. A warmth settles over me again. Something inside of me, changing.

A pull.

My breathing begins to increase. My heart rate is rising, chest tightening.

The boy - man - from the Shadowlands. He’s back.

I haven’t seen him for six years and now he appears here twice in the span of a week. That can’t be a coincidence.

Welcoming the warm feeling spreading throughout my body.

Just to feel something. Anything.

I don’t move. Not wanting him to know I sense his presence.

Why or how he is able to fill me with such warmth when a fire burns in my chambers day and night can’t, is beyond me.

I freeze my movements other than brushing my fingers around my wound. That’s when I hear,

“Thinking about jumping, Princess?”



Iam taking Aemond’s advice and trying to start up a conversation with her. I’m looking at her in a completely different light now.

Everything I thought I knew about her I am suddenly questioning. But she’s never known me. Never once have I tried to have a conversation with her. To allow her to get to know me. Granted, I’ve always thought I was going to kill her in the end. What would have been the point of getting to know one another?