Page 64 of Love You Madly

Right. Just friends. I sit back on the couch, staring at my phone, debating whether I should delete the pictures. I really should.


It’s okay, I promise. I don’t want to lose our friendship. You’re important to me, Callie. I don’t want to hurt you.

I toss the phone down on the coffee table, rubbing my hand over my beard. The apartment is too quiet–the quiet makes my thoughts seem louder. I get up, walking to the kitchen to grab a glass of water, hoping to wash away the tension.


I know. It get it, really. It’s just been a day.


What happened? Are you okay?

Her next message is longer, explaining how Adam showed up at the coffee shop where she works and started issues with her. Apparently Matt was there when it happened, bringing her flowers and asking her to go out with him. A pang of jealousy hits me although I know it shouldn’t.

I can feel my jaw tighten. This guy better treat her right if he’s going to keep showing up. My sense of possessiveness from earlier returns and I can feel the jealousy burning beneath my skin.

Thankfully, her next message makes me chuckle:


Is today over yet?

I wish.


Not quite.


Hey, you’re handy, right? Think you can build me a time machine and get this day over with?


Let me grab the Delorean and I’ll be right there.


The what?


Oh my God. Callie! Have you never seen the cinematic masterpiece that is Back to the Future?!


I mean… I’ve seen parts of it. I’m assuming the Delorean is that ugly silver car?


I don’t think I’ve ever met someone who hasn’t seen Back to the Future.

I shift, grabbing the remote and turning on the TV to avoid the silence in my apartment without Barrett here.
