“Keep breathing, princess. It’ll help.” I offer her a small smile.
Her nostrils flare as she inhales deeply. Danny is working on some shading, which is always a bit more painful than line work.
I crane my neck over her to take a look at what she’s getting.
Wow. A scorpion.
“It’s a reminder to keep facing my fears while also owning them. Scorpions represent healing as well as…fuckkk…” she groans. “Self-discovery,” she says through gritted teeth.
My other hand lands on top of hers, my thumb creating soothing circles on her soft skin.
“It looks amazing. You are going to love it. Look, I’m sorry, Mad. Jealousy caused me to lose my cool back there. The truth is, I still want you. You know this. Doesn’t change how you feel, I know that. Saying it out loud feels good. I had to get it off my chest.”
Danny whistles like this gossip is about to get juicy. I can’t imagine the shit he hears from his clients.
My lips form a thin line. “I don’t want to lose you from my life,” I lean in and whisper.
“It’s okay, Liam. I never meant to hurt you. Not back then on Diego’s yacht, and not now. I don’t want to lose you, either. But you need to focus on dealing with your anger. The drinking needs to slow down, it doesn’t help you whatsoever. Take some time to heal,” Maddy suggests gently, giving my hand a reaffirming squeeze.
I bring her hand up to my lips and kiss it. “I promise you. This time I will.”
“All done, sweetheart,” Danny announces, leaning back in his chair. He sprays the diluted green soap onto a paper towel and cleans up the leftover ink. The iridescent black scorpion comes to life, almost looking 3D.Damn. Danny’s work is truly top-notch. He snaps a picture with his phone and lowers it down to show her before placing a Saniderm bandage over it.
“Oh my gosh. It’s perfect. Thank you so much, Danny.”
“You’re welcome, darlin’. Hit me up anytime you’d like. Tattoos on the back of the neck are painful. I’ve had grown men ask for a break. You took it like a champ,” he praises, patting her calf.
I help her sit up, monitoring her for any dizziness. On instinct, my hand drops to her waist, guiding her out of the chair. Just as she stands, Diego enters, his eyes immediately going to my hand. I remove it, valuing said hand.
“Baby, if I had known you were getting a tattoo, I would have stayed with you,” he says remorsefully.
“I needed the time alone,” she asserts.
The Bone Breakereyes me, seeing as that is not the case. “Have you two made up?” He crosses his arms over his chest.
“We have. It’s all good now,” she insists, smiling reassuringly.
I can see why he’s good for her. Why, perhaps, he is the better man. He knows how to compartmentalize his jealousy and anger—whereas I don’t.
The front door slams open and my heart sinks into my stomach for a whole other reason. Half a dozen Feds enter the house, guns drawn.
“Diego De La Cruz. You are under arrest for the murder of Geraldo De La Cruz, the explosion of your yacht that killed fifteen others, faking your death, evading the law, and bribing a medical doctor. Everybody put your hands up where I can seethem,” shouts the lead female officer. The same lass I am quite familiar with.Intimately.She goes by the name Lindsay.
Diego slowly turns his back, hands raised. It doesn’t go unnoticed that he shifts his body to stand in front of Madison. Her eyes are wide and her hands tremble as she stands glued to her spot.
Lindsay steps forward, lowering her gun and placing it back in its holster. A bulky male officer comes up behind her, aiming his weapon at Diego’s skull. Blondy moves over, stepping betweenThe Bone Breakerand Madison. She angrily tugs his arms back, cuffing him, and begins reading him his rights.
“They are all enjoying a friend’s bachelorette weekend. Please leave them to continue the festivities,” he requests calmly.
She ignores him. “Your wife is coming with us.”
“She has nothing to do with any of this. I forced her to marry me.”
The officer spins Diego around to face us. Madison has tears dripping down her face. “Is this true?” Lindsay asks her.
“No. He’s trying to protect me. I will not say anything else without my lawyer present.” Maddy crosses her arms over her chest and raises her chin.Good girl.
“We don’t believe you are associated with his crimes. That means you are good—for now.Do not leave the country until we let you know you are in the clear.” She turns to me, winking. “Liam, it’s always a pleasure seeing you. Hope you’re staying out of trouble.”