“Sure am,” I say, crossing my arms over my chest and flexing them. Her eyes immediately greet mine with lust.

“I’m not as heartless as the Bureau makes me out to be. I’ll let you say goodbye. You have two minutes,” she states sweetly, stepping back a few feet to talk to her peers.

“We don’t have time for tears,Mariposita. I need you to trust me and I need you to be strong. You’re going to have to face all the fears running through that pretty mind of yours. Just likethat scorpion tatt you got— which is sexy as hell, by the way,” he jokes. “I’m fucking hard right now.”

And he is.Sick bastard.OnlyThe Bone Breakerwould be turned on at a time like this, in a pair of cuffs with the FBI breathing down his back.

If he is feeling anxious, he hasn’t given himself away. A mask of indifference is firmly in place.

“Someone sold you out,” I growl, lowering my voice to a whisper. “I’ll find out who, don’t you worry,” I vow. And I will. This will destroy Madison. I can’t have that.

“Good. Liam, take care of my girl. I promised her father I wouldn’t bring her down with me and I won’t. If shit goes south and we don’t come up with the evidence we need to wipe my case, I need you to look out for her.” He pauses to glance over at Lindsay. “Looks like your little friend over there is coming in clutch. I suspect she is working on my release?”

“Damn, you and her father had a heart-to-heart? I’m impressed. He’s not a man to be fucked with. And of course I’ll take care of Madison. You know I will. Hopefully, you’ll be out of there soon, brother.”

“We did. He gave me his blessing. He also threatened my life if I got her involved with the Feds,” he laughs, looking at his wife. “So if I do make it out of there, I’m not so sure I’ll be around long enough to see my wife.” He gives Madison the puppy dog eyes.

“Diego, stop joking. What am I supposed to do without you?” Her voice, now full of nerves, has crept up a few octaves.

“If everything works out the way Antonio, Liam, and I have planned, I will be back, baby. Then we can live the life you deserve—God willing your father doesn’t put a hit out on me. But if I’m not…Mariposita, please listen to me. If I am not, you move the hell on. Let me rot in prison. Don’t associate yourself with me. Do you understand?”

“Diego, I can’t,” she weeps.

He lowers his head close to hers. “You can, and you will. I love you, Madison.”

“Times up, buttercup,” Lindsay sings, pulling him back by the cuffs. “Oh, and by the way, be careful who you consider family. Some of the most beautiful snakes are venomous,” she whispers.

It must click into place for all of us at the same time. Madison looks like she is ready to commit murder. Diego remains calm, but a look of understanding crosses his features.

As for me? My body trembles with how much red-hot anger is coursing through me… I am ready to tear this house up in search of a snake to behead.

“How amI supposed to go back to the party and act like everything is okay, Liam?” I whisper-shout, pacing the deck of the bedroom Diego and I share. My hands have come up over my lips as in prayer.

What the fuck is going on?God, I hope he is able to get out of this. Those are some serious charges stacked against him. He’ll be lucky if he doesn’t get the death penalty. At the thought of a life without Diego’s smile, his eyes, his sarcasm, or his hands all over me, my heart rate spikes. I continue to pace back and forth, lost in my spiraling thoughts.

Liam’s tattooed hand grips my bicep, stopping me. “Mad. Stop. It’s going to be alright. I swear on my life I will make sure of that. Diego, Antonio, and I have come extremely close to getting this case wiped clean.”

His voice is softer than normal. This is the Liam I miss. The person I once fell in love with. The man I could still love, just not what it was before. Notromantically,that is.

Twisting my body to stare up at him, I ask, “Who was that woman? The female officer?” I cross my arms over my chest, forcing Liam to drop his hand. He in return, runs it through his hair before pinching the bridge of his nose.

“Diego isn’t leaving you out of his plans, so let’s get that clear before I start. I had mentioned to your man that I have an in with an FBI agent named Lindsay. She’s helped my brother and me out of a lot of shit that could have been the end for us. She and I used to cross the line between business and pleasure…even though it felt like part of the business transaction. Anyway, I gave her a ring the other day,strictly business—so don’t get ya panties in a twist—and she offered to hop on the case. Being associated with the notoriousEl Rompe Huesoscase would help her career. Even if that outcome meant his name was cleared and it all fell on his uncle Geraldo. At the very least, she could keep an eye on him if and when he was taken into custody.”

“He never told me that,” I pout.

“He didn’t know I called her. All Diego knew was that I wasgoingto call. This is a good thing Madison, she’s on our side. As for who is behind this… We need to discuss that. I willnever kill a woman. So what the fuck do I do? She betrayed me, my family, and not one, but two syndicates. One of which is our ally.” Liam’s pained eyes stare down at me, asking me what to do here. He wants me to call the shots.How refreshing.

“Youmay not kill a woman… doesn’t meanIwon’t,” I growl, my anger boiling, dangerously close to causing an explosion. Someone is about to get burned.

“That’s not a burden you want on your shoulders. Trust me. An angel like you wouldn’t be able to live with yourself. Taking a life will always sit with you, no matter how evil the other may be. You don’t want that blood on your hands,” he rasps, his mind going elsewhere.

“So, you need me to go outside and act like none of this happened? Lainey probably watched the whole damn thing with a bucket of popcorn somewhere,” I huff, throwing my hands in the air before letting them slap the sides of my thighs.

“She wasn’t up here. I just saw her prepping the dessert station outside before I came up,” he confirms.

“He can’t be in prison forever, Liam.” A fresh coat of tears pools in my lash line.

Liam pulls me to him by the back of my head, securely wrapping me in the safety of his arms. He soothingly pets my hair. “I know. It’s gonna be alright, love.”