I nod my head up and down as tears drip onto his tattooed forearm. “I’m going to collect myself and head back outside. You find Killian. Let’s meet back here in an hour. If you don’t get her by then, I am dropping this plan andwilldrag her by the hair back here,” I promise.
Liam’s deep chuckle vibrates my face. “You’ve always been too cute when you’re mad.”
“Shut up. Now’s not the time.” I smack his chest, using it as leverage to push me off and get moving.
I inhale deeply, centering myself before walking out the door. Taking the steps two at a time, I head back toward the commotion by the pool. Lexi is on Con’s shoulders wrestling John, who is on Simon’s shoulders.
“Winner has to run ass naked into the ocean,” Lexi taunts.
“Bring it, Alexis,” John shoots back. “I hope your wax girl was thorough,” he snides playfully.
Normally, I would be joining right in on the banter. Right now? I can’t help but scan the property for the little bitch that decided to ruin my whole world. ‘Girl’s Girl’ my ass. Jealousy drove her to betray her syndicate. The people she was raised with. The man she claims to love.
Liam is right, I won’t kill her. I want to—but that isn’t something I think I could ever do. That doesn’t mean we can’t hash it out with our fists before Liam ultimately decides her fate. Maybe I’ll even face my fears and revisit the dungeon.
Speak of the fucking devil. Lainey is over by Sel, chatting away with her—as if she didn’t just stab her brother in the back with a butcher knife. She must have thought her anonymous callwould stay anonymous. Or perhaps she didn’t think they would come to the island today and take him away. Well, if she thinks she can play me, and my family, she has another thing coming….
I approach the bar, pretending to search for Diego. “Hey, Sel…Lainey,” I nod at them. “Have either of you seen my husband?”
A look of concern crosses Sel’s relaxed features. “He was over by the docks last I’d seen him…” She leans forward to whisper. “But you didn’t hear that from me.” She winks.
Now she has me curious. What was my husband up to? He told me we weren’t sleeping in the room tonight… does that mean he was over by the docks because we were going somewhere? Did he know the feds were coming? Some sort of tip-off?
“You alright, Madison? You look a little pale.” Sel begins to mother me by rubbing my arm.
“Yeah. Diego kept me up all night. I’m just a bit tired.” I add in an obnoxious faux yawn.
“Love you, girl…but I don’t need to hear about my brother’s sex life with my best friend.” Sel covers her mouth with her hand, pretending to gag.
I roll my eyes. “Lainey. I know the last few days have been a lot. Liam’s been looking for you. I think he wanted to apologize and make things right with you.” I make sure to lay the charm on thick.
Her eyes light up, looking hopeful. I almostfeel bad for her.Almost. “I have been avoiding him. Maybe I should go find him. I’m sorry for the drama, Madison.”No you’re not.
Liam walks out of the sliding door, locking eyes with me. He nods subtly.
He stops by the edge of the pool. “Hey, Lainey? You want next?”
He pulls his shirt over his head, flexing his muscles. Next togo is his belt and then his pants. Lainey’s tongue is practically hanging out of her mouth.Go get him, tiger.
“Excuse me, ladies,” she announces.
Pulling her dress over her head, she walks towards him, swaying her ass as she goes. Lexi pushes John, causing Simon to step back exactly where the shallow end meets the deep end. John goes tumbling backward.
“YES!” Lexi shouts, throwing her arms above her head as Conor makes a victory lap. “Get moving boys…I wanna see hineys jiggling down towards the ocean.” She points to the dark water.
Perfect timing.I don’t need Simon and John witnessing whatever is about to happen. Lexi’s brother and his husband jog after them, cracking up as they go.
As Lainey approaches Liam, he tackles her, knocking her into the pool. She comes up sputtering before he pulls her arms behind her back and pushes her head back down.
“Liam! What the fuck are you doing?” She coughs as she resurfaces before her head is submerged again—this time longer.
He cages her hands behind her back in one strong arm as his other grips her by the hair. Tugging her up by the scalp, he lowers his mouth to her ear. “Why did you do it, Lain?” he growls between clenched teeth.
“I already apologized to Madison,” she lies.
Violently, he shoves her face back into the water as her body bucks against his. When he finally lifts her head back up, she's sobbing. “Fuck all of you.EspeciallyMadison. She never deserved a spot in this life.”