I get closer, drawn to the chaos. If this is karma, Liam is the justice.
“Here’s what’s gonna happen, Lainey. You are going to be dropped off in Ireland by one of my men. You will be monitored. So if you think for one second you’ll find your way back here, you’redeadwrong. A crime like this in our world is punishableby death. Since I won’t kill a woman, and your mom was an angel, you’re in the clear of that. However, you are going to wish for death with the life you’ll live. You willneversee another country again. You will live and breathe in Ireland. No traveling. No vacations. For as long as you live. You’ll be lucky to find a job or ever love again after our family in Ireland hears about this. Best wishes to ya, lass.”
“You’re making a mistake!” she screams. “Madison is the toxic bitch here, not me! I hope her man rots in prison, and I hope he takes you all down with him.”
Liam drags her up the pool stairs, tossing her into Ryan’s arms. “Dry her off. Leave her in her bathing suit for all I care. Take the two recruits with you. I want eyes on her at all times. I’ll call my family in Ireland and let them know of her arrival. Keep me posted. I’ll let you know of your assignments when you get there.”
“Yes, Sir,” Ryan confirms his orders, collecting Lainey and slapping on some zip ties to keep her restrained.
“Fuck you, Liam Kennedy!” Her manic screams carry towards the house.
Lexi’s mouth is hanging wide open. Con looks at her, shaking his head. Now wouldn’t be a good time for a sarcastic remark.
Kil comes up to me, smelling of rich smoke. He wraps his arm around me protectively. “You alright, love? What the fuck happened? I was smoking a cigar with some of the guys in one of the cabanas.”
“I’m fine. Liam will explain everything. Find me when you are ready to form a plan,” I clip. Anxiety is starting to creep in.
Somehow my legs carry me over to the dock. I stare up at the gorgeous new yacht Diego purchased with the insurance money. It’s all lit up, looking majestic. I need a place to look at the stars and be alone with my thoughts. As I approach the boarding platform, I notice a beautiful butterfly painted onto the bow ofthe ship. In an elegant script,‘Mariposita’is positioned underneath the mural.
Tears prick the back of my eyes. Diego named his superyacht after me.
He made me a reading nook.Not that the wordnookeven gives thisroomjustice. Where onPontusthe upper levels hosted a gym and spa, this upper level has that included along with this gorgeous space.
I tilt my head to stare up at the dome glass that is providing the perfect visual of the stars. My gaze travels lower to the rows and rows of bookshelves. Warm underlighting and comfy furniture fill the space, adding to the charm of the room. I find my way to the oversized couch and plop down, pulling a gray throw blanket over me. I lean my neck against the arm of the couch and once again look up at the glass dome, admiring the clear starry night.
This is incredible, and so thoughtful. Not only did he name his superyacht after me, but he added a goddamn library with a real-life planetarium. A fresh round of tears hits me as I curl up with the blanket.What if he doesn’t clear his name? Is it even possible for him to come out of this completely unscathed?I can’t see how…and I’ve always been an optimist.
Reaching behind me, I snag the brand new Kindle that is propped up on a stand on the end table. Another sweet gesture. It shows how much he has paid attention in our short timeactuallytogether. Sliding a thumb across the screen, I set it up and dive right into the last fantasy romance book I left off on. Nothing like a woman and her dragon defeating the odds stacked against her. Perhaps it will give me some inspiration in my own life circumstances.
I’m not sure when I closed my eyes, but I am stirred fromsleep by a deep voice calling my name. I brush the hair off of my face and sit up, disorientedly looking around for the source.
“Madison? Are you up here?” Liam shouts, his voice carrying from outside the door.
“Yeah,” I call back.
The wood door slides open, revealing a disheveled Liam.
“Christ, sweetheart. I’ve been looking all over for you. Nice touch by the way on the space by the pool. Did you have the event planners do a trial run for the rehearsal dinner?”
That prompts me to sit up straighter. I tuck a strand of hair behind my ears and swing my feet over to stand. “No. I came straight up here. The dome was the first thing that caught my eye. What are you talking about?”
Liam raises his hand to rub the back of his neck. He looks around, silently in awe of the room Diego created. “You should take a look then. I just hope it won’t upset you…” he trails off.
I walk over to him, still standing awkwardly at the threshold. “Why would it upset me?” I ask.
“You’ll see. I guess that is where Diego went off to while you were getting tatted.” He reaches a hand out to collect mine.
Needing the comfort, I place my hand in his and allow him to lead me out of my library and over to the elevator on the helipad.
We take the short ride down in silence. The doors open with a ding, revealing the reasons Diego said we wouldn’t be sleeping in our room tonight. Flameless candles flicker, lining the entire deck that surrounds the pool. A table is prepared with a bucket of champagne and chocolate-covered fruits and pastries. The entire pool is filled with rose petals and floating candles in flower-like lily pad votives. String lights crisscross over the pool, warming the space and enchanting it. A white screen is set up with a projector facing it. The screen is blue, just waiting to be played.
I cup a hand over my mouth in awe of what is set up beforeme. For a guy who claims he has zero idea of how to ‘do romantic’, he sure is good at it.
“So… this wasn’t for the rehearsal dinner.”
“Nope,” I confirm, dropping my hand.
Liam whistles low. “Seems like he prepared a special night for the two of ya.”