Liam looks at me bashfully, red staining his cheeks. I send him a wink and pick up my glass. It’s time to head inside with these crazy ladies.
Leah and Carly grab my hand, tugging me towards the inside bar as it starts to flurry. “See ya later, Liam.” I wave awkwardly before the girls shuffle me away.Smooth Maddy.
I spother at the bar, taking shots with her girls. They are already drunk off their arses. My eyes track her as they make their way to the dance floor. “Feel So Close” by Calvin Harrisis playing and the dance floor is packed with sweaty kids rubbing up against one another. The girls form a circle, throwing their hands in the air and dancing like it’s a private show.
Maddy has her eyes closed and head back, swaying her perfect hips to the rhythm.Stop this, Liam.Stop it now. Not only am I not allowed to fraternize with the students, but if I was to, Maddy should be the last woman I pursue.She’s too good. Too sweet. Too pureto be corrupted by my criminal life.
I peel my eyes away from her in search of that bastard Chase. He’s leaning against the bar with a circle of girls around him and his mates. I take one more glance back—OH, FUCK NO.Some arsehole has his hands wrapped around her from behind. He has his nose tucked into the crook of her neck and appears to be whispering sweet nothings to her.
She’s grinding her sweet arse against him with her eyes still closed. Sloppy hands run down her lower back and over the swell of her arse. He grabs a handful first—followed by a slap. She slams her eyes open, looking disoriented. He turns her around to face him, his greedy fingers pulling her face towards him.I’m ready to break his fucking hands off.I don’t think before my legs start moving towards them.Abso-fucking-lutely-NOTon my watch is this going to happen.
The rational part of me is saying I'm just protecting her from a drunk imbecile, the other part of me israging.Why does it feel like she’s already mine?It may not be right for me to interfere or cock block, but there is no denying we both felt something outside.Hell, I felt something between us since the moment we met.
Within seconds I get between them. The dickhead retreats immediately with his hands up in surrender.Good. Get the fuck lost.
I wrap both hands around Maddy’s face forcing her to look up at me. The look she returns me is full of fire. That’s when I notice her eyes—her pupils are dilated, and not just out of fear or excitement. She looks like a Powerpuff Girl.Holy fuck. How did I not realize this before?Someonemust have slipped something in her drink.
“Sweetheart, did anyone get you a drink tonight besides me?” I press. I have a bad feeling that I know exactly who did. My hands begin to shake, and my molars are about to turn to dust.I’m going to fucking kill him.
Maddy runs her hands up my arms, lacing her soft fingers around mine. Fear has crept its way over her features. She knows there is something wrong. “Chase got me and Leah drinks when we first got here. Leah is probably going home with him tonight, so he put it on his tab,” she says candidly. The wheels in her head start to turn. She looks over at Leah dancing with Carly.
“Love, I think you’ve been roofied by Chase. Do you feel okay?” I dig for more details. She releases her grip on my hands, wraps them around herself and takes a step back.Once again, placing distance between us.
“I felt off all night, but I chalked it up to not drinking in a while or getting laid,” a small giggle escapes her lips at the last part. “I do feel dizzy, and my heart is racing, but my body feelssooogood, Liam—I’ve never felt like this before.” Her eyes twinkle with lust.
I’m about ready to beat that little shit to the ground. Except that wouldn’t be productive for anyone right now. I need to focus on Maddy first. “I’ll drive you home, love. Gather your gals, and let’s go.”
Maddy turns to Leah and whispers in her ear. Her eyes go wide as her head whips around to Chase.Damn. I wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of the daggers she’s throwing. Maddy grabs Leah’s wrist, restraining her from going after him.Don’t worry, darling—I'll be taking care of him.
I clasp Maddy’s hand in mine and walk her and the girls to the entrance of the bar. I spot Conor at the front door. “I’m leaving for a bit. When I get back, we have somethingsto deal with.” I nod my head in Chase’s direction.
“You got it, boss. Should I tell Kieran as well?”
“No. And I would appreciate it if you didn’t mention this to anyone else. I’ll deal with the repercussions later,” I sigh.
“Of course,” he whispers while grabbing a patron's ID.
“Thanks, brother.” I slap his back.
We step out into the cold November air. The snow has picked up a bit, already coating the street and cars. I autostart my blacked-out Audi S7, and it roars to life, the headlights illuminating the path in front of us.
The short walk is silent. I wrap my arm around Maddy in an attempt to keep her warm. These women arenutswalking around the way they do with barely a stitch of clothing on. She gratefully wraps her arms around me, letting me guide her to my car.
I unlock the doors and walk around to the passenger side to help Maddy in. The girls are already getting situated in the back, giggling and whispering about how sexy this car is. My chest vibrates with laughter as I help Maddy into the front seat. Being near her soothes me; she is the salve on my tough exterior. I still want to murder that son of a bitch, but I already feel better knowing she’s safe.
I blast the heat when I get in. Maddy has closed her eyes and is resting her head against the window. I eye Leah in the rearview mirror, “Can you direct me to your house, please—and for the love of God, if you need to puke, let me know so I can pull over.”
Leah laughs and directs me as I pull out of the parking lot. “Head towards campus. When you see the cemetery, we are the house across the street,” she hiccups.
“You live across the street from a cemetery?” I ask incredulously, realizing they only live about a mile down the block.
“Yeah, it’s kinda morbid. I like it,” Leah hiccups again.
“That is…if you aren’t afraid of a few ghosts,” Carly chimes in theatrically.
You have no idea what morbid is, sweetheart.
* * *