It takesme all of three minutes. I pull into their drive and park by the front door. Leah and Carly get out and walk up the porch towards the front door. I conceal a laugh as I watch Leah struggle to find her key in her purse.

I direct my attention to the gorgeous woman snoring softly in my passenger seat. Her features softened by sleep. The car’s ambient lights highlight her stunningly beautiful face. I know I need to distance myself from her.She can’t be mine. I just wish it could be different. I should be the one to set her fire ablaze. It should be me who helps her shine brighter than the Sun and Moon combined.

Guilt hits me hard, knowing that can never happen. She deserves a normal life. Getting involved with her will only bring more death and chaos into it. And dragging her beautiful soul into the darkness is not an option.

With a sigh, I get out and carefully open her door. I squat down to see if she’s able to walk to the house on her own. She sits up, moving her hair out of her face. A delicate smile forms on her lips when she notices me. Her eyes close again as she lays her head on my shoulder.

“I’ve got you, darling,” I whisper while leaning in to unbuckle her. I gather her in my arms and walk up the porch steps. Leah stands at the entryway waiting for us.

“Her room is the last door on the left,” she points.

Brushing my wet boots off on the mat first, I advance down the hall. I nudge open the door with my foot, and use my elbow to hit the lights on. Briefly looking around, I take in her decor. It screams Maddy.Classy yet cozy.There is a small television, desk, and dresser.

The full-sized bed has a fluffy gray comforter and black sheets, along with twinkle lights that surround her bed frame. A white shag carpet with a gray bean bag covers the floor. Two plants sit on the windowsill above her desk that look well cared for. Her end table has two empty shot glasses and a half drank bottle of tequila on it.I wonder if she needed some liquid courage to come out tonight.

Shifting her into one arm, I remove her laptop from her bed and place it on the desk before pulling the comforter down. Leah and Carly are whispering something about ‘letting me do this for her’. I’ve known Leah as long as I’ve known Maddy. She trusts me. The question is,do I trust myself enough to do the right thing?

As I lay her down, she sighs and cuddles up in the fetal position.She’s fucking precious.I place her wristlet on her end table, before making quick work of removing her boots and earrings.

This will be the last time I get this close to her, feeling her soft skin touch mine. Next time I see her again at the bar, I’ll make sure to keep myself busy.She deserves better.

I throw the bedspread back over her and place a gentle kiss on her forehead.I might as well, if this is the last chance I get to touch her.She turns over briefly, smiles up at me, and whispers, “Thank you, Liam.”

I grab a pen and Post-it off her desk and leave my number and a note saying if she needs anything to call me. It doesn’t matter if I can’t have her. I willalwaysprotect her. I gather the empty shot glasses and tequila bottle and click the light off, quietly shutting the door behind me.

Leah is there leaning against her door frame across the hall. I’m not sure how long she was watching, but quite frankly—I don’t give a fuckif she saw me kiss Madelyn’s head.Clearly, she was too drunk to notice we had almost kissed by the fire.

I place the tequila bottle and glasses in her open hands. “Thank you, Liam. We appreciate your help tonight,” she smiles drunkenly at me. “You know, you should ask her out. She’s always had a great bond with you, and this proves that you are a good fit for her. Maddy needs a strong man like you. Someone who will take care of her when she falls apart.”Perhaps she is more observant than I give her credit for.

I turn on my boot, making my way to the kitchen as she follows me. I try to leave before Leah convinces me of all the reasons I'm good for her best friend. Trying not to be a complete dick, I pop my head in the opening of the door before shutting it—“I’m not a good man, Leah. She deserves so much better,” I say roughly. The words weigh heavy on my tongue. There’s no doubt that I can be the type of man she needs. I could make her happy and feel loved in every way she deserves to be. But I refuse to allow my dark path to merge with her safe one. “Make sure you lock this door,” I add more gently.

With those parting words, I get back in my car and prepare myself for what’s about to go down back at the bar.

Conor hashim downstairs in my office, zip tied to a chair. I cross the door’s threshold and take a seat at my desk, leaning back with my hands behind my head and feet up.

Chase’s eyes grow wide as he realizes just how fucked he is. He begins to tremble, pulling at the zip ties on his wrists. “I’ll take it from here Conor—thank you,” I announce. Conor nods and shuts the door on his way out, taking post by the entrance.

My eyes never leave his as I contemplate how to go about this. He is the son of one of our most affluent business partners. His dad Alan is also friendly with the Kennedys directly—Mrs. Kennedy’s childhood friend.

I’ll probably get heat for this, but it has to be done. And It’s not just about what he did to Maddy. It’s entirely about the fact that this kid thinks he can walk on water. No matter how much power a man can have, no one is fully invincible. I stroke my beard for a few seconds, letting the bastard sweat it out a little longer.

Grabbing a pair of scissors off my desk, I stalk my way towards him.

“I demand to speak with my father. You do realize who thefuckhe is. Iknowyou do. I’ve seen you at plenty of the Kennedys events,” he says hysterically.

I am losing my patience with this little shit.I lean his chair back so that it's resting on the two back legs and get in his face. I press the scissor blades up to his freshly shaven skin, putting pressure under his right eye.

“I don’t give a flying fuck who yer da is. You’ve been placing E in the drinks of the women you want to fuck for a few weeks now. I just caught wind of it today. And to say I wasn’t happy about it is an understatement…” I trail off, running the scissors down his face, leaving a trail of blood. It’s not significant enough to need stitches. Can’t say for sure that it won’t leave a scar.

I click my tongue and shake my head showing my disapproval.This shit won’t fly in my bar.Sweat begins to bead on his forehead and his chest starts to heave harder.

“You do realize you roofied Maddy tonight instead of Leah,” I continue, circling around him. “It seems you’ve set your eye on Leah for the night, thought you could continue your high after the game…make it easier to take her home…” I snarl.

“That whore wanted my cock without E! What the fuck are you talking about?” He growls, spittle flying from his mouth.

“I have the camera footage, Chase. At least be a man about it and admit you put ecstasy in Leah’s drink, not realizing Maddy took it,” I press on.

“Maddy could use it, don’t you think? Her vibrator batteries probably died. That's why she came out tonight. If anything, I did her a favor,” he smirks.