A knock on the door interrupts my reflections. “It’s Leah. Can I come in?” she asks softly behind the door.
“Yeah.” I pull the blankets tighter to my body.I’m still naked. After he walked out, I went straight to my bed and have been here ever since. The hallway light illuminates part of my room, revealing Leah with a styrofoam takeout container and a large iced coffee. She sits on my bed and pats my legs under the covers.
“Did Liam put you into a sex coma? It’s almost dinner time,” she giggles and then stops short, taking notice of my swollen eyes. “Jesus, Maddy. I haven’t seen you like this since Sean’s funeral,” she gasps. “What the fuck happened? Is it because he is leaving today? Are you going to miss him? Is it the drugs wearing off?” Lee rambles on, ultimately getting the wrong idea of why I’m crying.
I sit up and take a sip of the coffee Leah hands me, letting its magic wake my taste buds and energy. “I had the most incredible time with him in the shower before it all went toshit. He freaked out when he found out I was a virgin. We didn’t even technically have sex before he stopped and left. He said that I deserved better, and he has secrets that he can’t tell me...” I rehash the memories in my mind as I tell Leah. “Also, something else about being a ‘dangerous man’...” I trail off, looking to her for possible answers.
She shrugs her shoulders. “Maybe, he’s in themob,” she jokes.
“Oh yes, I’m sure he lives a double life. Mobster by day, college bar bouncer by night,” I find myself laughing with my best friend at the ridiculous notion.
“You’d make ahotmob wife,” she continues our outrageous conversation.
My stomach growls, prompting me to take a peek at what Leah brought me. Opening the lid, I am delighted to find our favorite Chinese takeout. She hands me a plastic fork and I dive in, stuffing my face with fried rice.
“Has he texted or called you?” she inquires, nodding a head to my phone on the end table. I pop an entire fried dumpling in my mouth before grabbing my phone to check.
Scrolling through my notifications, I see drunk texts from my best friend Alexis. She is currently studying at Arizona State but will be home for winter break as well. I need to fill her in on everything that’s transpired soon. She already knows about my crush on Liam. Scrolling some more I come across a new message alert for my online dating account.
Nothing from Liam.
I shake my head at Leah because my mouth is too full to talk. She gives me a sympathetic look. “Maybe it’s for the best Mad, let him be a big bad gangster. He’ll come running back when he realizes what he lost—guaranteed. Why don’t you reactivate your online dating app in the meantime and find someone who is DTF? You know the best way to get over someone is to get under them,” she wiggles her eyebrows at me. “Plus, I am sure you have the biggest case of lady blue balls. What an asshole to leave you high and dry—or wet in your case.”
I take another big sip of my coffee. I feel more human and level-headed, now that I’ve had some food and caffeine. Leah’s presence always helps too.
She’s right.It’s Liam’s loss.
“About that. I actually reactivated my dating app. Before we left for the bar yesterday, I was talking to a man named Killian. Ironically, he sounds Irish as well—just my luck,” I laugh at the pun. “Anyway, he’s TDH, 28, owns his own business, and lives in New York City. Here look—” I show her his profile and watch her facial features as she scans through his pictures.
She whistles and licks her lips, “He is wickedhot.”
I notice that there is a message from him and it hits me. I was busy with Liam last night and didn’t get the chance to respond to Killian. Would it be wrong to continue talking to him? If I am being a hundred percent honest, I amlividwith Liam but I am nowhere nearover him.
“He is looking for a commitment, Leah. And he seems like a really nice guy. I don’t want to hurt him by getting involved with him. Especially considering how strongly I feel about how things left off with Liam.” I push my rice around with my fork. “I mean itwasnice talking to him. He did experience his own heartbreak, so maybe he’ll be more understanding and actually respect me and my own choices. Hopefully, his job isn’t ‘dangerous’ likeLiam’s.”I scowl at the thought.Clearly, I'm still bitter about last night.
“Honey, you aresingle. That means it's perfectly okay to casually date. Hell, date someone else too! Liam didn’t claim you. Going on dates doesn’t mean you're marrying the guy or that it will even work out in the end. Just see how it goes. Killian may even make you realize you are better off without Liam,” she declares while stealing a piece of General Tso’s chicken.
“I’ll message him back in a little while. I just need to get some fresh air first.” I’m becoming more and more confident with the plan we’ve made.
Liam, who?
I place my food and coffee on the end table and secure the lid. Sliding my towel around my body, I make my way over to the dresser and grab whatever is on top. I’m pulling on my neon pink hoodie when Leah gasps.
“Oh my God, Maddy. This will be the last I bring up Liam—for now—but you have toseeChase’s face!” She presses her hands in prayer over her lips and starts laughing—snorting, actually.
I raise my eyebrows at her and toss my towel in the hamper. “Okay…” I wait for her to continue.
“Liam must have fucked him up good. Both his eyes are black and blue, and his nose is broken. He’s got a cut under his eye and his wrists are all scratched up. His Facebook post says he got jumped last night coming home from the bar. The University’s Facebook page is advising students to be extra vigilant when walking home at night.” She snorts again. I stare at her for a few seconds, processing it all.
The blood on Liam’s shirt.
‘I’m a dangerous man.’
The mysterious business trip.
‘Chase won’t be bothering you or any other woman ever again.’