‘There are secrets I hold that I can’t tell you about...’
What if heactually isin the mob and Chase fucked with the wrong man?
“Earth to Maddy. Are you okay?” she asks nervously, waving a hand in front of my face. I snap out of it and walk her through my unsettled thoughts.
“I mean…it’s not a completely ridiculous theory…” Leah trails off. “Would that change your perspective of why he left you?”Would it? Would I still have chosen to be with him if I knew the truth?
“He makes me feelsafe,Leah. He’s always protected me. I don’t think he’d ever intentionally hurt me. I...I don’t think it would bother me. Is that bad?” I confess.
She gets up and walks to the door. “I think you should message Killian back,” she says firmly, leaving me to my thoughts.
I walk outof my last class of the day. I’m excited andmore than readyto be getting a week off for Thanksgiving break. I was supposed to be heading home to New York, but my mom got stuck in Florida on her vacation. A Nor'easter is the cause of her canceled flight. Connecticut is projected to accumulate the highest snow totals. I highly doubt she is disappointed to be spending another few days with her girlfriends in Miami. I don’t mind though, I get the house my roommates and I share to myself. Oh, and I am meeting Killian for the first time in person.
Yeah, you read that right.
Since the day after Liam left, Killian and I have been talking nonstop. It’s insane how much we have in common. In such a short time, we’ve discussed everything under the sun, from our favorite foods to our biggest fears in life. His biggest fear is losing his dad, which means he’ll take over the family business.
My phone has been glued to my hand. Even in class or at work, I find myself sneaking my phone out for a fix. The damn thing is constantly needing a charge.
I just about fell off my bed when he called me for the first time.What is it about men with accents—especially Irish ones—that turn me on?I think it's a husky voice and terms of endearment that do me in.
My phone rings in the back pocket of my skinny jeans. A smile forms on my lips as I take in the caller ID. I wrap my knitted scarf more securely around my neck. The flurries are starting to come down more heavily now.
“Hello?” I answer, pretending I have no clue who is calling.
“You haven’t put my name in your contacts yet? Do I mean thatlittleto you, love?” he plays as his gravelly laugh fills the line.
“Oh Killian, I didn’t realize it was you...” I continue our little game. “All jokes aside, I have you saved in my phone asDarth Vaderand your ringtone is already “The Imperial March.”
“I’m cool with that, as long as you are willing to come to the ‘Dark Side’my Queen,” he banters.
I wholeheartedly laugh, which he makes me do—often. We are in the habit of fueling each other with sarcasm. He has been nothing short of kind, funny, and an absolute gentleman since we began talking. We even Facetimed a few times. Mostly before bed. Let me tell you, he is just as handsome as his pictures painted him to be.
His life is definitely mysterious. That's for sure. Killian has hinted many times that he owns many different kinds of real estate—including the bar we frequent. Schmitty’s.Small world. I have been wondering if he knows Liam. I just haven’t found the courage yet to ask him.
“What time will you be here?” I ask on a more serious note. Butterflies swarm my stomach—again—thewarningkind.
“I just got in the car as we speak. Should take me about an hour and a half. An hour if I drive the way I like.”
I approach my car in the parking lot and get in, cranking the heat and throwing my backpack on the passenger seat. “You better make it to me in one piece, or there will be hell to pay,” I threaten.
His laugh comes through my car’s audio. “Sweetheart, there is nothing to worry about. I am a fantastic driver. I’m just eager to see you, that’s all,” he discloses.
“I am too. I’mespeciallyinterested in seeing this ‘special entrance’ you speak of at Schmitty’s.” He told me that we would be going to my favorite bar for a few drinks. He also informed me I would see a side to it I'd never seen before. “Will my normal ‘night out’ attire work? Or is there some special handshake and dress code I need to know about?” I half-joke, curious as ever.
“As for the handshake, none needed—I own the place. Everyone knows who I am,” he says sardonically. “As for the attire…a little black dress always works just fine.”
I suddenly feel very anxious.Am I making a huge mistake here?I don’t even know this man,really. We’ve talked every single day for the last few weeks. We learned a lot about our families, our careers, dreams, goals…butI don’t know him. Iknowhe was engaged before and that it fell through due to family drama. Iknowhis dad is dying from pancreatic cancer, and he’s taken over more responsibilities of the family business…
“Madison, are ya there?” his voice breaks through my mini panic attack.
“Yeah. Sorry, I was focusing on the road,” I white lie.
“No worries. I’ll let you go so you canfocus,”he clearly knows something is up with me. “I’ve got another call coming in. Madison…relax. I promise you are safe with me. There is no pressure tonight...I’m not trying to sleep with you on the first date—if that’s what you're worried about,” he speaks more softly.
His words were exactly what I needed to calm down.I may have been freaking out a tad. “Thank you, Killian. I’ll see you in a little while. Please drive safe.”
* * *