Owen might be hot, but he has incredibly strange ideas of how to relate to people. I look up at this strange, dark-haired man, wondering what the fuck would make him agree to come out to Las Vegas in the first place, much less agree to an insane assassination plot.
“Why would you think that would be enjoyable?”
“When I met you, Hakeem had total control over you.”
I pause to give Owen time to soak up the irony. He doesn’t seem to be getting the clue. He has total control over me too. Why the hell would he think I’m more likely to want Hakeem dead.
“I got away from Hakeem.”
“Thanks to me,” he says. “I don’t know how you ended up where we found you.”
My heart races. Owen has never really probed me about this before and he’s never questioned me about my past either. I’ve never allowed him to, honestly. But this time, I can’t hide from him as easily as I could before.
It’s the sex. Owen takes a step closer to me and touches my lip.
“What the fuck happened to you, little criminal? You drugged me and ran off. How the fuck are you back here?”
“Does it really matter? I’ll help you kill Hakeem.”
This is how I know I’ve truly lost my mind. I would rather agree to be an accomplice to a murder just for a chance that Owen will avoid my past. My reluctance only makes him want to know more. I should have expected that. He smiles, his olive-green eyes feel like they’re ready to rip me open. He has a face like a fox, with sharp angles and an intense focus.
I try to hold myself steady so he doesn’t get too much sadistic pleasure from my discomfort.
“What’s the big deal?” He says. “You’re wearing a collar around your neck. I’ve kept you safe since I got your ass back. I’ve made you feel good. Why can’t you open up to me?”
“Are you crazy?”
“Yes,” He says. “Now answer the question. Why can’t you tell me one fucking thing about your past? You know so much more about me than I do about you.”
“Women need their mystery…”
I’m not the naturally seductive type and my efforts to distract Owen absolutely don’t work. I don’t sound sexy. I don’t feel sexy either. I feel scared. He takes another step toward me, his thick furry brows scrunching up with determination that I’ve only seen him express at a card table. That concerns me. Owen doesn’t behave like a rational person when he has this look on his face.
“I want you to let me into your heart…”
“Why?” I snap. “Why the fuck would you want that?”
I sound irrationally panicked. Women shouldn’t be like this. Scared to open up. We’re supposed to be soft and gentle. But the more Owen presses me, the more I want to drug him again and find another window to leap out of. He reaches for my collar and tugs on it, maintaining deep and terrifying eye contact.
“Because you’re mine and I don’t like that you keep things from me.”
“You can’t just slap a collar on me and get me to expose my darkest secrets.”
“So it’s a dark secret,” he says. “Interesting…”
Owen runs his thumb over my lip again and I know he’s just doing this to piss me off, hoping that the physical affection makes me so uncomfortable that I spill the details of my past. Unattractive, awful, stupid details that portray me as a weak, naive woman. That’s not who I am anymore. Trauma might cause you to make bad choices, but if you keep fighting throughit, trauma can also make you strong. I’m not justifying it, I’m just trying to make the best of it.
It’s a hard truth about life that we’re all going to have to deal with trauma eventually. Loss. Grief. Pain unlike anything else. I don’t want to share any of that — especially not with Owen.
“It’s not interesting. Just let it go. I’ll help you kill Hakeem.”
“I changed my mind,” he says, smirking because he’s an evil bastard who realizes he can use this to get some control over me — even if it’s just pissing me off. “I don’t need your help. I need to know the details of your past.”
“Okay,” I say, making a show of dragging out the word. I want this man off my ass like yesterday. “Long ago, two black people had sex and?—
Owen slams his hand over my mouth to shut me up. He looks pissed off, like he has a right to feel anything about my choices to share my personal life with him. Angry Owen glares down at me over his sharp nose. He has such a handsome face for an asshole.
“That’s not what I mean, Vickie,” Owen says. His voice is soft and controlling — almost threatening.