

“Idon’t have to tell you my past. I’ll do what you want. I’ve done what you want. I don’t need you all up in my business.”

“Did I not make myself clear, then?”

“You made yourself clear,” she says. So much malice on her face. Her favorite fucking emotion.

“Good. You tell me what happened. You let me in… or I’ll make you do it.”

“You couldn’t.”

“I can make you suck my cock. I can make you cum. I can put my dick so far inside you that I get you pregnant.”

“The last thing you want is another crazy baby mama.”

It’s a good effort to get under my skin. Hell, it almost works. I have to stop my lip from twitching consciously to keep my emotions under wraps. Vickie is one demonic woman and although she gets my dick hard, I have to stay vigilant before she takes control. I adjust her collar on her throat before responding.

“I don’t care if you’re crazy. You’re beautiful. You’re too smart for your own good. I know if I die doing some crazy shit, you could handle yourself.”

I’m close to breaking through to her, but Vickie is strong. She’s stubborn as fuck. And whatever she has behind those walls is bad enough that she wants to keep me out. But I can’t take it anymore. I can’t just have the sex and the collar and the control. I need more from her. From the second I met Vickie I wanted more… once I picked myself up from my gambling screw up. I would have come back to Vegas.

I would have come back for her.

“Why are you so obsessed with my past? It’s the past. It’s gone.”

“If it was gone, you wouldn’t have drugged me. You wouldn’t fight me every time I try to get close to you.”

“Trying to fuck me isn’t trying to get close to me.”

“I put my tongue so far inside you that I tasted every fucking flavor of your cunt,” I whisper, pushing my finger between the lips I’ve been fondling since I walked into this room. “How much closer can I get?”

“Why do you want to control my feelings so damn much? It’s weird. You already have a woman going crazy over you.”

I laugh. This is just another effort to get under my skin. Vickie is damn good. She grazes against the only parts of my past that truly bother me — the circumstances surrounding my daughter. How I couldn’t get my life together enough to get custody of Waverly. My chest shudders. But Vickie’s misbehavior only pushes my mind into the dirtiest fucking ways to tame her.

She won’t get what she wants tonight.

“I don’t want you going crazy,” I tell her, moving my finger from her mouth before she punishes me by biting down. “I want you to be… my girl.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means that I don’t do normal relationships and clearly, neither do you. But I want you, Vickie. But I need to know your past.”

“My past won’t help either of us.”

No answer about being my girl. Her ability to frustrate me puts strain on all my major muscle groups. I’m going to fucking Hulk out just standing here watching each new subtle act of resistance Vickie comes up with.

“What the fuck happened?”


“If you think I’m not crazy enough to tie you to the bed and ink you until you speak… you’re wrong.”

“I would never think that because I don’t even understand what you’re saying,” Vickie says. Then she makes one crucial mistake. She tries to escape. Physically.

And that gives me permission to do what I want to her. She screams as I grab her arms and then throw her over my shoulders. She’s not a lightweight woman, so this takes some effort, but Vickie screams like she can’t feel the firm control I have over her psychotic curvy ass until I fling her onto the bed. She flails and in her distraction, I have the easy task of pinning her arms together and tying her ass up.