“Mmm, nope.” Blake smiled. “Sorry, but I’m done hiding my feelings and worrying about what other people think. You’re just going to have to get used to me being a giant softie.”
“Ugh, where’s toxic masculinity when you need it?”
“Gone, hopefully.”
“Just like my dignity,” I said with a sigh.
Blake got up then, just to get some water and a washcloth. I tried not to pout too much when he pulled out. He was sweet when he came back, holding the cup to my lips so I could drink. I probably would have spilled less if I’d done it myself, but Blake seemed determined to do it for me, and I couldn’t say no to him.
When he crawled back into bed, he spooned me from behind. A few minutes later, we heard the outside door open, and our parents’ voices in the entryway. I held my breath as they walked down the hall, but they seemed to decide we were both asleep and headed upstairs, leaving us undisturbed.
“Fuck,” I said, my eyes going wide in the dark. Our parents’ footsteps on the stairs were faint now. They had to be up on the top floor already.
“What?” Blake asked.
“I never got my underwear. When we were grabbing our clothes, I picked up everything else, but not that. I think it’s still sticking halfway out from under the couch.”
He pressed a kiss to the back of my neck and laughed. “Sounds like a tomorrow problem.”
I couldn’t help joining him. He was right. We’d deal with it tomorrow.
We’d deal with it tomorrow,together.
Iwoke up with Henry in my arms, my heart pounding.
I’d had so many dreams just like this. Dreams of Henry’s hair tickling my nose, his chin tucked against my chest, his legs tangled up with mine. Dreams where everything was peaceful and perfect, and then I woke up and discovered it was all a lie.
My eyes flashed open, and I scanned the room, searching for some sign that this was a dream too. But there was nothing out of place. Nothing blurring at the edges, nothing fading out of sight the second I stopped focusing on it. Everything was solid. Real.
Impossible as it seemed, Henry was in my arms again.
I closed my eyes, adrenaline still pumping, and tried to slow my breathing. I buried my face in his hair and inhaled deeply. This was real. Last night was real. It was all real.
Somehow, Henry had forgiven me. Henry still wanted to be with me. Henrylovedme.
I hugged him tighter. A Christmas miracle, if there ever was one. I loved him, and I wanted the entire world to know.
Which got me thinking… We’d talked about coming out to our parents—coming out as a couple, that was. But there was one other step I wanted to take, and if I got it done, then I’d essentially have come out to everyone I knew before winter break was even over.
I wanted to come out online.
I didn’t just want people to know I was gay. I wanted them to know I was with Henry. Partly because I wanted to show him off, but also because of something he’d said last night—that he had trouble believing I would pick him over everyone else.
I was going to do everything in my power to make him know that in his bones.
My hug seemed to have woken Henry up, because he shifted, stirring in my arms. His lips pressed against my chest, and his brow furrowed. He brought a hand to his mouth, rubbed it, then grimaced. He touched my chest, then smiled up at me.
“Sorry, I think I drooled on you.”
“It’s okay.” I grinned. “I liked it.”
“Somehow I doubt that. But I’m too sleepy to argue right now.”
“Go back to sleep,” I said, twirling one lock of his hair around my finger. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”