“Mmm, it’s alright.” He shifted again, blinking in the morning sunlight that slanted through the window. “I don’t mind being awake with you.”
The pine trees outside stirred in the breeze. Snow was forecast for later today, and I smiled, thinking about how cozy it would be to be wrapped up with him by the fireplace, watching the flurries outside.
“What time is it?” he asked, sticking his arms above his head and stretching. The movement pressed his stomach against mine as he arched his back, and I laughed. He looked just like Mittens when she stretched on a pile of laundry. “I should probably get back to my room before our parents get up.”
“I think it’s a little late for that.”
“What?” Henry’s eyes went wide. “You mean they—”
“I just meant they were up,” I said soothingly. “Not that they saw us.”
“Oh. Sorry.” He smiled. “I think my brain is still half-asleep.”
“Speaking of them finding out, though, how would you feel about telling them this morning? Maybeafteryou retrieve your underwear from the living room.”
“I really am happy waiting, if you want.” His blue eyes were open and honest. “But if you want to tell them, I won’t lie, I would be very on board with that.”
“Good. Because I meant what I said last night. I’m ready.” I paused. “Actually, I was wondering, would you be okay with me talking about you online too?”
His eyebrows shot up. “Wait, really?”
“I said I wanted to come out. I meant it.”
“Yeah, but coming out is one thing. Telling the entire internet you’re dating a real-life, specific guy is completely different.”
“It is, and that’s why I want to do it. I want people to know I’m taken.” I paused again. “Which is why I was wondering if you’d be okay, uh, being in the post I make? Like taking a picture together, or maybe even a video?”
The change on Henry’s face was mesmerizing. He went from surprise to disbelief to delight, his mouth breaking into a bashful smile as his cheeks turned pink. His eyes crinkled at the corners, and he squeezed them shut for a second. I wanted to count those long, light lashes of his. When he opened them again, his grin was dazzling.
“I would definitely be okay with that.”
“Good. It’s settled then.” I nodded. “So, uh, what should we do?”
“For the post?” he asked. “I don’t know. It’s your profile.”
“Yeah, but you’re the writer and director. I think this is your territory.”
“This feels like a lot of pressure.”
I snorted. “Maybe I should have just gone with my first idea.”
“Which was?”
“Starting a live video while you were asleep, then waking you up with a kiss,” I said. His eyes went wide, and I added, “Obviously I would never do that without asking. Sorry, I should have clarified that.”
“Don’t apologize,” Henry said. “I’m only annoyed because that idea is perfect, and I’m mad I didn’t think of it first.”
“You don’t think it’s too cheesy?”
“I think it’s incredibly cheesy, and that’s why it’s perfect. The only thing that could make it better is if we were wearing matching Christmas pajamas.”
“About that… I might actually have some.”
“Are you kidding me?”
“Technically, they’re not pajamas so much as onesies,” I admitted, which made him burst out laughing. “I told you, my mom has a Christmas clothing problem. She wanted to do family portraits this year in matching PJs, but she couldn’t decide if she liked the llama ones better, or the pug ones, so she made us bring both.”
“This, I have got to see,” Henry said, sitting up as I crossed to the closet where I’d put all my clothes for the week.