Chapter Two
“Why on Earth do you need a personal assistant, Salma?” Prince Tariq asked his younger sister warily. He couldn’t understand her sometimes. He paced his large office, annoyed at his sister once again. It was always something with Salma. She was going to cause him to get gray hairs very early.
Salma rolled her eyes.
“I can’t believe this is what you summoned me to your office for. I already told you, Tariq. I oversee so many charities and social functions, I’m feeling overwhelmed. I could use a little help,” she explained.
“I understand, but what is wrong with hiring someone from here? You should have told me you required assistance, I would have gladly found someone for you. Why do you need someone from the other side of the world?” He couldn’t wrap his head around it. “Of all the stunts you have pulled, this is probably the most outlandish.” He heaved a sigh. His little sister could be quite difficult. With both of their parents gone, it was his responsibility to take care of her. She was twenty-two years old, but she still needed looking after; with her impulsive ways.
“You would have found someone?” Salma snorted, she could just imagine the elderly Muslim woman he would have deemed fit to be her personal assistant. “I wanted someone with experience and knowledge of the western culture, Tariq. Who better to hire than an American?”
Salma lowered her lashes. She felt horrible for lying to her brother. So, maybe she wasn’t as overwhelmed with work as she said. But she couldn’t let her brother know that she hired someone simply because she was lonely.
Tariq was so overprotective; he never allowed her the opportunity to get close to anyone. She had to sneak out occasionally to meet with the very few friends she had. The most freedom she got was when he was out of the country for business. Even then he had bodyguards watching her every move. It was frustrating. The only solution she could come up with was to get a companion under the pretense of needing an employee. Sure she could have gotten someone from their own country, but what was the fun in that? She wanted someone different to interact with. If she couldn’t go out and experience different people and cultures, then she would bring the different people and cultures under her own roof. She struggled not to release a grin at her sheer brilliance.
“I absolutely forbid it,” Tariq growled. “You will not bring a stranger under this roof. You know nothing about this woman.”
Salma folded her arms and threw her brother a petulant look.
“Of course, I do. I know enough. Do you really think I would bring someone into our home without taking precaution? Relax Tariq, she was recommended to me by a friend. She is completely legitimate.”
Plus, she saw a picture of the woman. She was young and seemed nice. Her interest had peaked when she view the photograph of Clara McKellar. She was gorgeous, someone who would catch her brother’s eye for sure. An idea had popped into Salma’s head. What if this Clara and her brother hit it off? Not only would she get someone to spend time with, she could possibly get a sister-in-law. It was full time her brother found a wife; one that would challenge him at every turn. He was way too arrogant and used to getting his own way. She hoped Clara was defiant enough to counter her brother’s ruler of the world attitude.
“I don’t care, Salma; it is not going to happen. I expect you to put an end to the arrangement, now.”
Salma took a step toward her very irate brother and patted his cheek lightly.
“My dear Tariq, it is much too late for that. She is already here.” She glanced at her watch and clapped her hands together in glee. “If the flight stayed on schedule she should be landing right about now. I’m sending car to collect her from the airport soon. Not to worry big brother, I have a feeling you will like her.” She flashed him a dazzling smile and gave him a peck on the cheek before skipping out.
Tariq shook his head in disbelief. He was the ruler of a nation. No one dared defied his orders. Yet, his little sister always got the better of him. He had to admit that he let her get away with most things out of guilt. They lost their mother right after Salma was born and their father four years ago. They only had each other now. He was afraid of losing her too, so he was a bit overprotective. He was aware of her desire to travel and experience other places. But, he couldn’t bring himself to let her go. Maybe when she was older, he would consider. He heaved a sigh, his lips twisting into an ironic grin. He had more trouble handling his baby sister than he did ruling an entire country. He has been Crowned Prince of Saudi Arabia for four years now. Since the age of twenty-six, he had been ruling a country and taking care of his sister.
“Are you alright, Your Highness?”
Tariq turned around at the voice of his assistant.
“I am fine Karim. I need to get to the airport, right away.
Karim’s brows shot up, but he didn’t bother to question the prince.
“I will have a car ready.” He bowed and walked out of the room.
Since his sister had already gone out of her way to defy him, the least he could do was ensure that the American woman checked out before entering his home.
Clara stepped through the double glass doors and glanced around. She smiled when she saw her name on a huge piece of cardboard. Walking toward the man who held it up, she couldn’t help but let out a laugh. With the huge bold letters, she would have been able to spot the sign all the way from Connecticut. Composing herself, she stopped in front of the man dressed in traditional Arabic attire.
“Hello, I’m Clara McKellar.”
He gave her a friendly smile.
“Welcome, Ms. McKellar. I am called Karim. Please allow me to take your luggage.”
“Oh no it’s fine, I can-”
Karim took hold of her suitcase and stepped off.
“Okay, never mind.” Clara murmured. She followed him to a limo with heavily tinted windows. It seemed she would be arriving at the palace in style. He opened the door and waited for her to slide in. She frowned when he closed the door.