Page 22 of Falcon

“That’s a good thing. Because I’m broken too. Maybe if we stick together, we can complete each other.”

Chapter Ten


The second my gaze landed on Gina’s sweet face, I thought maybe I’d finally done something right. The second I wrapped my arms around her, I knew with absolute certainty I’d come home.

I held her tightly, burying my face in her hair. It probably made me look weak to clutch her so tightly, but I didn’t care. It wasn’t like I was ever going to be an officer in Grim Road. They were my brothers and knew I’d defend them to the death. Who gave a fuck what another club thought?

“Thank you for coming, baby. I know it was hard for you. I just wasn’t sure how long we were going to have to stay here before going back to Grim Road and I didn’t think I could wait even a couple of hours to see you.” It was the fucking truth.

“I was afraid. But I couldn’t not come.”

“Afraid for your safety?” I could understand her fear, though I’d hoped she’d realized we would protect her as our own. She was one of us and we were learning to support each other. In fact, once Lemon had gotten started on us, we’d all taken to it like we would have if we’d had our own families in a normal world. Seemed we all wanted the same thing and just hadn’t wanted to admit it to anyone.

“Oh, no! Not at all. I trust Lemon and Rocket. They wouldn’t let me come if they thought there was danger.”

“Then what, baby? What were you scared of?” I kissed her head, loving that she clung to me just as hard as I did her.

“Of losing you. I don’t know what happened to her but I’m sure you still love her.”

I thought about that. “I suppose I do, in a way. I knew her a long time before we ever got together.” I sighed. “I haven’t really had time to examine my feelings, but the one thing I’m absolutely certain of is, I want you, Gina.”

She didn’t say anything else, but I could feel her body shaking as she cried. I glanced over at Rattler. He and Scout hadn’t come to blows yet, but judging by Rattler’s expression, the jury was still out on how long a reprieve Scout got. But for now, it seemed they were going to be civil.

Gina stiffened in my arms and I turned my head. Joilyn was staring at us with hot anger. She looked from Gina back to me before giving me a disgusted look and leaving the garage. I didn’t loosen my hold on Gina, even when she tried to push away.

“Stop. Don’t fight me, Gina. Not now.”

“Are you sure this is what you want? I get it if it’s not. You were going to marry her. It’s going to hurt if you leave no matter what, but if you’re going to her, do it now. While I have people still willing to help me get through it.”

“This isn’t the right place for this conversation, but you need to know it’s you for me. No one else. I will never willingly leave you, Gina. Not for Joilyn. Not for anyone for any reason.”

“You’ve never lied to me.”

I was finally able to let her go, but only to frame her face in my hands so I could make this as clear to her as I could. “And I’m not gonna start now, baby. I’m sure not startin’ now.”

Gina nodded, her eyes glistening with tears. A fragile smile began to curve her lips. “I know.”

“Come on, Falcon.” Piston gripped my shoulder. “Let’s get the ladies home. You guys all need the rest. I know Gina will rest easier back home.”

“Yeah. I shouldn’t have insisted she come. It was stupid.”

“Never stupid to want your girl, Falcon. I’m glad we were able to give you both a swift reunion.”

I hated to let Joilyn down, but this woman was where I belonged. Wherever she went, so did I.

The ride back to the Grim Road compound took thirty minutes instead of the twenty it had taken Rocket before. Yeah. There was a reason they called him Rocket. And it was thirty minutes confined in a cage. The big Ford was spacious and nice, but I needed my bike.

I leaned over to whisper in Gina’s ear. “After I make love to you for a couple days, I’m takin’ you on a ride. A long one. Just you and me.”

She smiled up at me. “I’d like that.” Then she blushed. “Kinda looking more forward to the first part, though.” Then she turned and buried her face against my arm in embarrassment.

I chuckled and kissed the top of her head. “Me too, baby. Me too.”

Knox took me and Gina to her house instead of stopping at the clubhouse. I gave him a nod of thanks before helping Gina out and into the house.

I wasn’t sure what I expected to happen when I got her home, but having the woman throw herself at me the second the door was shut wasn’t it. And, sweet Jesus, I was grateful! She wrapped her arms and legs around me in a tight embrace and fused her mouth to mine. The second she did, it was fucking over.