Page 21 of Falcon

“He d-didn’t even l-look at me.”

“He will.” Venus continued with the comforting arm around me, while she stroked my hair with the other. I was ashamed to admit how hard I clung to her.

“I never used to be this clingy,” I admitted to Venus as I desperately tried to get myself under control. “Never had anyone to cling to.”

“And that’s shame, little sister.” Venus didn’t let me go, but continued to comfort me when I felt like I was going to shatter. “You should have always have had someone to cling to when you hurt.”

I’d just started to calm down when I heard raised voices outside and getting closer. I cringed, shrinking back. Venus let me go, but didn’t move away completely.

“You’re being unreasonable, Joilyn. You can’t expect Falcon to just pick up where you two left off. He’s not the same person he was and neither are you.” Falcon and Rattler entered the garage with Joilyn, who bristled with anger, her back ramrod straight.

“It hasn’t been that long!” Joilyn argued back.

“Three.Three years, Joi. Three years where he went through just as much hell as you did. We both did. Not just from the night that fuckin’ mission went to shit, but from yourdeath.” Rattler crossed his arms over his chest and stood between Joilyn and the exit. Though the smaller door where Rattler stood was open, the larger bays were closed.

“I was in a military compound, Ruben! Doing my part to stop domestic terrorism. I was cut off from everyone and everything!”

“You got word to your handler. He could have gotten word to me. Or Falcon?”

She shrugged. “I was on a mission. One that went to shit and back. I didn’t have time to give him a list of people to contact.”

“You were told when you entered the program you’d be severing ties with everyone, Joilyn.” Another man entered the garage, but from inside the main clubhouse. “You knew there was no going back.”

“I can’t believe you let her do this, Scout,” Rattler snapped. “How the fuck did you end up being her handler, huh? You recruited her, didn’t you?” Rattler was furious. He was up in Scout’s face, yelling at the other man.

Scout raised his hands and took a step back. “Hey, Rattler. Ease up, man. I inherited Joilyn from the woman who recruited her.” Scout tilted his head. “No, actually, that’s not true. I found out Joilyn was your sister and I bullied my way into being her handler. It’s part of the reason she didn’t fully trust me. She and I hadn’t been working together that long before they imbedded her.”

“Why didn’t you pull her the fuck out?” Rattler stepped even closer to Scout and I knew the two were likely going to come to blows.

“You think I didn’t want to? She was perfect for what they needed. They shaped her specifically for these kinds of infiltrations. They weren’t letting her go for any reason. They needed her right where she was.”

“They same as got her killed, Scout. If you’re not lying, they think she’s dead.”

Scout’s mien hardened. “You don’t believe me? Talk to Cain. I don’t keep secrets from Cain, especially if they affect ExFil.”

“Ease up, man.” Falcon had come up behind Rattler and gripped his shoulder. “He did what he could to help Joilyn. Ultimately, he’s responsible for getting her out. Killin’ him would be a shit way to say thanks.”

I trembled where I stood. Venus was still with me. I had no idea when I’d moved closer to the small group and I knew it was rude to eavesdrop, but all I could see was Falcon. I needed to touch him. To have him hold me. I knew I couldn’t interrupt, but I needed to know he was really OK.

He glanced over, his gaze capturing mine in an instant as though he could feel my desperate need for reassurance. Our eyes met across the tension-filled room, and something in his expression softened. He excused himself from the heated discussion and walked toward me, his steps determined yet gentle.

As Falcon approached, Venus subtly shifted aside, giving us space. My heart raced as he stopped in front of me, his large hands reaching out to gently cup my face. “Gina,” he murmured, voice thick with emotion. “I’m so sorry. I should never have left you for this. Scout and ExFil had it covered.”

I couldn’t speak. The words were lodged somewhere deep within my throat, choked by tears and relief. Instead, I leaned into him, closing the gap between us. His arms enveloped me in a protective embrace, a haven from the storm swirling around us. The warmth of his body was a solid reminder that he was real, alive, and here with me.

“I was so scared,” I admitted into Falcon’s chest, my voice muffled by his leather jacket. “Were you hurt?”

“No, baby. Not a scratch. I swear.”

I wasn’t sure how to ask the next question, but I figured it was better to just get it out as quickly as I could. I took a breath. “Are you going back to her? I mean, I understand. You were supposed to get married.”

“Gina, no. We’ll talk about it all later, but no. Even if you weren’t my woman, I wouldn’t go back to Joilyn. She made her choices and they didn’t include being my wife.”

“I’m so sorry, Falcon.”

“Don’t be, honey. Joilyn and I would never have worked together. Not in the long run. Besides, I much prefer the woman I have now.”

“I’m broken.” I shook my head as I looked up at him. I felt so helpless. The only time in my life I hadn’t felt helpless was when I was in his arms. “I’m not sure I’ll ever be whole.”