“Thank goodness.”
“According to this, Taurus will make Cancer feel secure, and Cancer will nurture Taurus and make a good home for them.”
“Sounds like a match made in heaven.”
Looking up from his phone, he smiled sheepishly at me. “You don’t really believe in this stuff, right? You’re just humoring me.”
“If it says we’re good together then I choose to believe it,” I said. “Do you feel secure with me, Cameron?”
Taking a moment to consider the question, he slowly nodded. “If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have gotten in this car with you today.”
“You have no idea how happy I am to hear that.” I wanted him to feel safe with me, above all else.
He blushed pink, but looked pleased at my statement. “So what’s in here, anyway?” He asked, lifting the luxe shopping-style bag I’d filled for him.
“Just some gifts and samples from the brand.” I watched as he rifled through it, waiting for him to reach the bottom where I’d placed the particularly interesting items.
“T-This!” Sputtering out his shock, Cam pulled a pair of panties out of the bag, eyeing them hugely widened eyes. “Did you put these in here?” The tiny scrap of lacy fabric was snow white with satiny detailing on the edges.
“I did,” I said, without a hint of embarrassment. “I picked out things that I specifically thought would suit you. And because I know you wouldn’t buy anything like this on your own.”
“Well, no, I wouldn’t,” he agreed with me. “I don’t think anyone would want to see me in something like this.”
“Really?” I asked mockingly. “No one?”
“You would?” He asked, surprised. “Seriously?”
It was obvious he had no idea how incredibly alluring he was. But as I opened my mouth to tell him just what I’d like to see him in, the car slowed to a stop around us. We’d arrived at Cam’s apartment. I’d completely lost track of time talking with him.Judging by the look on his face when he checked the time on his phone, he had too.
“Damn it!” He cursed again. “I have to go, like, now. Sorry. Thanks again for everything. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Tilting my head curiously at the way he rushed to remove his seat belt and tumble out of the car, I couldn’t help but ask.
“Expecting someone?”
My question looked like it brought him immediate stress. “N-not like that. I swear.”
“Alright,” I said. It didn’t seem like he was lying, and I didn’t think he was the type of omega to see two alphas at the same time. “Then I’ll see you tomorrow, Cameron.”
Placing a wide palm on his narrow shoulder, I held him in place as I leaned in. The urge to kiss his pretty pink mouth was powerful, but seeing the nerves and chaotic jumble of thoughts shining clear as day in his eyes, I took mercy on him and shifted just a bit to the right, planting a soft kiss on his cheekbone.
He didn’t say anything else, hurrying off and up the path to his door. I was tempted to stay and wait around to see exactly who or what he was waiting for. But just as I wanted him to feel safe with me, trust between us was important too.
I directed my driver to take me back to work, and began to plan for the next day.
THE NEXT MORNING, I was absolutely miserable.
I hadn’t experienced a heat like this in… Well, ever. I’d always been completely steady and regular, even after pregnancy. And my heat blockers always tamped down the worst of everything, leaving me with just a fleeting sensation of neediness and only for a day or two at most. Totally manageable.
This was like being trapped in a sauna but without the relief of death.
I was so hot, burning all over and there was a terribleitchinside me that I hadn’t come close to being able to scratch.
I’d managed to get Ty on the school bus without him figuring out anything was wrong, and after that I’d laid in the shower, trying hopelessly to rid myself of the all-encompassing desperation plaguing me. But bringing myself to orgasm hadn’t given me any relief, not even when I’d fucked myself with my fingers. It wasn’tenough.
And through all of it, there had definitely only been one person on my mind. I couldn’t shake the mental image of Karter Morrison on top of me, inside me, fucking my heat away. Spoiling me, like he had promised he wanted to do.