Page 11 of Instant Bond

“I just meant… You know, is this something you’re into? Like… You know, taking care of someone or spoiling them or whatever.”

I couldn’t help but chuckle at his roundabout way of speaking.

“My personal preferences aside, that should be my instinct, should it not? To protect my omega? Keep them safe, happy. I’d make a pretty poor alpha if I didn’t enjoy doting on you, wouldn’t I?”

“Well, yeah.” It seemed even he had to admit that was true. “But that’s just a mate thing. Alphas feel those instincts about their mates.”

“I told you I’m interested in you,” I reiterated. “I’m attracted to you, and charmed by your personality. I enjoy your presence. The aforementioned instincts that alphas have apply between us as well.”

“Isn’t it kind of fast for all that?” He sounded breathless as the words tumbled out. Breathless and excited, if I wasn’t mistaken.

“I’m not a wait-and-see kind of person, Cameron. When I want something, I take it. Or I earn it.”

“You’retrying to earnme?” It seemed he had only finally realized it in this moment. “Are you crazy?”

“Perhaps,” I conceded. I’d certainly been called it before. “You’re right that we’ve only just met and don’t know each other very well yet. And it’s possible we won’t suit at all, and if that’s the case then we’ll be no worse off for trying. Don’t you think?” My words sounded reasonable, but in my head I didn’t even consider that a possibility.

“Well… I don’t know. I don’t want to get hurt.”

My sweet little omega was a cautious sort. Again, I wondered what life had done to such a lovely creature to make him so distrustful.

“Have you been hurt before?” I asked. “A bad breakup, maybe?”

“No,” he answered quickly, and with what I was sure was honesty. So his caution didn’t stem from a bad relationship. “I’ve never hadanykind of breakup, really.”

If he’d never had a breakup, then he’d never really been in a relationship.

“Are you a virgin, Cameron?”

At my admittedly inappropriate question, a quick little nervous laugh escaped him before he shook his head. “No, I’m not. Does that bother you?”

“Of course not,” I answered smoothly, somewhat relieved. In truth, it had given me a brief flash of concern and worry. Not that I had an objection to anyone who chose to wait for sex, but I hadn’t been with a virgin sinceI’dbeen one, as a teenager. Ididn’t have much of a desire to navigate it again now, in my 30s. “I’ll tell you a secret. I’m not a virgin either.”

I watched the slight tension drain from his face once again as he giggled at my confession. Then, sighing with obvious disappointment, he gave an exaggerated pout.

“Oh, darn, I was so sure you were. Well, I guess I’ll just have to get used to the idea.”

The fact that he had a sense of humor on top of everything else was a very gratifying discovery. It was quickly becoming apparent that I liked everything there was to discover about him. Still, the words of the woman in the salon popped up as I pondered.

“I’m sorry I haven’t asked before, but it hasn’t seemed important. It’s clear that I’m a bit older than you, but…”

“I’m 22,” he answered once I had trailed off. Old enough to vote, drink, and rent a car. Good enough for me. “I just had my birthday in June. I’m a Cancer.”

“That’s not a very nice thing to call yourself.”

“No!” Cam giggled at my deadpan delivery. “I mean, you know, my zodiac sign is Cancer. What about you?”

“I’m 33. I’m afraid I don’t know what sign I fall under.” I hoped he wouldn’t think I was making fun of his interest.

“That’s okay, I can tell you! When’s your birthday?”

“April 26th.”

“You’re a Taurus!” He announced. “That’s cool.”

“So do a Cancer and a Taurus work together?” I wondered, finding it adorable when he looked deep in thought, his pink little tongue flicking out to rest at the side of his mouth.

“Well, yeah, I think so. Earth and water signs are supposed to be good. Let me check my app, okay?” When I waved my palm to indicate for him to go ahead, he dug his phone out of his pocket. “Oh, hey, it says we’re totally compatible!”