Page 52 of Renewal After Dark

“What is?” Erin asked.

“All of it. I’ve been down this road before. Didn’t work out so well for me.” Her fiancé calling off their wedding had been among the more shocking things to ever happen, even if she’d since come to realize he’d done the right thing for both of them. If how she was feeling about Jack was any indication, Ben had definitely done them both a favor by ending their engagement.

“But this is kinda different, right?” Laura asked.

“Yeah, it is, and that’s the scary part. It feels…”


Piper nodded as she bit her lower lip.

“I know it’s super scary, but bigger is a good thing. I promise.”

“Was it like this for you with Owen?” Laura had met Owen shortly after her first marriage had ended in dramatic fashion.

“God yes, it was so big from the get-go that it scared me to death. But he kept showing up and proving I wouldn’t regret those big feelings. Not with him. I never have, in case you’re wondering.”

“Anyone who knows you two can see there’re zero regrets.”

“After what my ex-husband did, it was hard for me to even think about taking that kind of risk again, but with Owen… It wasn’t a risk, you know? It was just right.”

“It helps to hear that. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Just be happy for this moment, Piper. This isn’t something that comes along every day.”

“She’s so right,” Erin said. “The last thing I thought I wanted was what I have now with Slim, but it’s the best thing ever. We all want that for you, too.”

“Thank you guys for talking me off the cliff.”

“Any time, pal,” Dara said. “Speaking of romance… My sister Monique just texted that she wants to come back soon because she’s still talking to Linc.”

“Linc, as in Coast Guard Linc?” Laura asked.

“One and the same.”

“Oh wow. I didn’t realize they met while she was here.”

“They did, and she was cagey about the details, which isn’t like her. She’s fresh off a messy divorce, so I’m not sure how serious she is about anything.”

“Well, you’ll have to keep us posted about that,” Laura said.

“Of course I will.”

“Did you guys hear that they think they found Jim Sturgil?” Piper asked.

“Oh God, no,” Laura said. “Poor Tiffany—and Ashleigh.”

“I know. It’s terrible.”

“I was thinking I’ll make them dinner,” Piper said.

“That’d be nice.”

“What are you hearing about Jeff and Kelsey, Laura?” Dara asked.

“Both are doing better. They’re working on getting him moved to rehab in the next couple of days.”

“So glad to hear they’re on the mend.”