Laura let out a yelp that would’ve been a scream if they weren’t standing in a hotel lobby. “This makes mesohappy!”
“Tell me how you really feel.”
“I just did. I love when great people find each other in this world and do wicked, wicked things in one of my beds.”
“I’m getting my own place.”
“How come?” Owen asked as he came down the stairs, toting all three kids and making that look easy, as only he could do.
“Your wife is harassing me.”
“Hot Cop just left,” Laura told him. “Again.”
“Ah,” Owen said, grinning. “I see. She’s obsessed with this new romance unfolding under our roof.”
“Which is why I need to move out.”
“Don’t go,” Laura said in a dramatic tone. “Ineedyou here with me.”
“Then you have to leave her alone about Hot Cop,” Owen said as he put Jon down to run around.
Piper used her thumb to point at Owen. “What he said.”
“You guys are no fun. I’m an old married lady. I’m living vicariously through you, Piper. How can you shut me off this way?”
Before Piper could answer her, the front door opened as Dara Watkins and Erin Jackson came into the lobby. Erin carried a massive bouquet of flowers.
“Ladies!” Laura said. “What’s going on?”
“These are for you to thank you for your hospitality during the storm,” Erin said. “We got the first batch off the boat this morning.”
“They’re gorgeous!” Laura juggled the flowers as she hugged both women. “But you didn’t have to do that. We loved having you.”
“We sure did.” Piper had enjoyed getting to know both women during the storm.
“How’s it going with Hot Cop?” Dara asked.
“Funny you should ask,” Laura replied. “We were just talking about how there was a very handsome state cop in full uniform coming down my stairs this very morning.”
“I’m going to muzzle you,” Piper said, even though she was amused by Laura. She’d never had girlfriends quite like the ones she’d found on Gansett Island, and she adored them.
“Oh, do tell,” Erin said.
With all three of them looking at her, Piper said, “I have no idea what she’s talking about.”
“Liar,” Laura said.
“I’m getting my own place,” Piper told Erin and Dara. “This is like living with my mom again.”
“I’ll behave if you promise to stay,” Laura said, “and if you promise I get to see Hot Cop in that uniform at least once a week. That’s better than coffee.”
“I can hear you, dear,” Owen said with a chuckle as he chased Jon, Jo and Holden, who ran toward their toys in the family room.
While the others laughed, Piper hoped that she wasn’t getting her hopes—and Laura’s—up about Jack prematurely.
“Are you okay, Piper?” Dara asked.
Dara’s question made her feel madly vulnerable, but since she was among friends, she spoke the words weighing on her heart. “It’s scary, you know?”