“Okay, I’ll prepare everything,” Rocco says.
“We need to be very, very careful. Don’t tell anyone about where I’m going, and set up our defense so it looks like I could be anywhere. Just make sure that Matteo’s people can’t get into the neighborhood anymore, not even to spy.”
“I studied how they got there before, so I think I know exactly what to do.” A smile spreads across Rocco’s face.
“Good. Then do it. Also, Chiara and I will need doubles.” I need to confuse Matteo as much as possible.
He might consider Chiara’s house, but he’ll think that would be too obvious or not safe enough. But we can set everything up.We just need to be careful. It’s a risk, like anything else, but it’s also a peaceful neighborhood where Matteo’s men will stick out like a sore thumb.
“And we’ll have to set up some security measures in the house and the restaurant,” I say. “Cameras, alarms...”
“Okay.” Chiara seems determined.
I wish I could read her mind and know exactly what she’s thinking. Is she just very grateful I saved her life or does she only care about keeping her home?
Maybe both. It doesn’t matter. I’ll keep her with me until all the threats are gone, and then... I don’t know what will happen. She’ll probably ask me for a divorce too, but that’s not my concern at the moment. I’ll enjoy my time with her by my side for as long as it lasts.
“Honey, I don’t understand.”My dad gives me a bewildered look.
My mom grabs my hands. “We can leave,” she whispers. “They won’t even realize we’re gone. We’ll disappear.”
She squeezes hard, her eyes pleading with me.
“It’s all my fault,” my dad says. “I shouldn’t have started anything against Gaviani. It was a stupid, stupid move. I tend to get overly sentimental, but know this: our home is where we are. All this... This house means nothing. The only thing that matters is that we’re alive and together. Everything else... It’s meaningless.”
“No, I... It’s not about our home.” Even though I’d like to keep my home, now it’s more than that.
Adriano is the father of my children, and I want to give him a chance. For as long as we’re here, I want to see if maybe there’s hope. Hope that under all his darkness, there’s a good man.
He’s done some terrible things, but he also saved my life and almost got himself killed doing it. From the moment we left the clinic, I could see how annoyed he was that he needed to be wheeled out of there.
He hates being helpless, and yet, he put himself at risk for me. A selfish, evil person would never have done that. A true monster would’ve saved himself and let me die without even blinking.
Hell, he’d be annoyed that my blood splattered his shoes. He wouldn’t have killed my ex just like that, without benefiting from it in any way. My dad still has all his fingers, despite what Adriano told me. Maybe becoming a father will change his worldview completely, but I can’t let myself blindly trust him either.
The fear I felt when I thought I was going to lose him... It was real. Somehow, I have feelings for him, and I can’t deny that. It started with this burning attraction between us, and then, I got to know him a little better. If it had been under better circumstances, something even stronger could’ve already developed between us.
But for my sake and the sake of my children, I have to be careful. I can’t let my feelings lead me into another trap. There won’t be another Filippo. If I’m going to tell Adriano the truth, I need to be sure he’s going to be a good father.
“Then what is it about?” My mom frowns.
“We’ll talk about that later.” I can’t risk anyone overhearing me.
Adriano’s most trusted men are in the house with us.
“But—” my dad starts.
“Please. Just trust me, okay?”
“How can we leave you with that...” My mom glances at the door before lowering her voice. “Monster.”
“You can. I’ll be fine. Adriano and I have a deal.”
“He’s a mafia boss,” my dad hisses. “You can’t trust him.”