“We’ll see. But don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine. I promise.”
“Honey, I’m going to be honest with you. I don’t like this,” my dad says. “People are congratulating me on your marriagewith that... It’s better I don’t say what I really think about him out loud. Your face is all over the news. I don’t know much about the mafia, but from what I’ve heard, they don’t let their wives go. Ever. It’s dangerous for you to stay here with him. Has he threatened you? Did he tell you he’d kill us all if you left?”
“No, Dad. It’s really not like that. I wish I could tell you more, but...” I throw a quick glance at the door over my shoulder. “I know it sounds crazy, but I know what I’m doing. Nothing will happen to me.”
“You can’t be sure of that.” My mom shakes her head.
I sigh. They’re not going to leave me with Adriano, are they? And I get that. If I were them, I wouldn’t want to leave my child alone with a mafia boss and his men. The same mafia boss who held us all captive and terrorized us.
“I have something that will protect me.” I place a hand over my stomach and lift my finger over my lips. “You can’t tell anyone anything about this.”
My mom gasps in shock, her eyes glistening with tears. My dad just looks confused.
“Oh honey.” My mom wraps her arms tightly around me. “I’ll strangle that monster with my bare hands for doing this to you. I...”
“Mom, it’s okay. He didn’t hurt me. We kind of, um, met before all this happened.”
“What?” She gapes at me. “Where? How?”
“At a club.”
“Oh. And you didn’t know who he was?”
“No. I thought he was just a normal guy.”
“Someone tell me what’s happening.” My dad looks from my mom to me. “Are we talking about the restaurant? You think he’ll like our food?”
“No! She’s—” my mom says.
“Mom!” I shush her.
“Well, then we absolutely can’t leave you here with him. You need to think about your... you know. He’s not... He’s not the one who should be with you. People like him trap their wives and steal their... What I’m trying to say is that you need to get out of here while you still can.”
“I just want to give him a chance. I want him to see that there’s more out there than just mafia nonsense. I don’t think he’s a bad guy. He’s just... been hanging around all the wrong people. I think I can get through to him.” I try to keep my voice as low as possible.
“Honey, men like him don’t change.” My mom sighs. “Do you want to be a mafia wife? Do you want...” She points at my stomach. “...to be in the mafia? Did you ask yourhusbandhow many people he’s killed? How many lives he’s destroyed? Have you already forgotten everything he’s done to us? What his plans are?”
“I’d never forgive myself if I was wrong, and if I robbed my children of their father out of fear.” My voice is barely a whisper. “And running could be dangerous because of who he is.”
My first instinct may be to ignore any feelings I might have for Adriano and just leave to protect my babies. They’re what matters the most. But if I run and change my name, it doesn’t mean I’ll be safe. Adriano has powerful enemies and everyone thinks he’s my husband. They could come for me anyway, especially if they see I have children.
Staying with Adriano might be a better and safer choice for all of us, but I don’t know how he’ll react. He might not even want to have children or he simply doesn’t care, so I just need some time to figure it all out.
Now that my mom and dad are fine, and we’re all free, it’ll be easier to think and focus on the important things. Adriano can’t really go anywhere and there won’t be much for him to do, so I’llhave him all to myself. He won’t be a threat to me, because I’m sure that even I can handle him in this condition.
“Wait, what do you meanchildren?” My mom pulls away and blinks at me.
“Twins,” I whisper into her ear.
She once again gasps in surprise, her eyes widening, and then she tugs me to her. “I know this is a difficult situation, but it’s the mafia we’re talking about. You said you knew him from before, and he still kidnapped you and he—”
“I get it, but it’s my choice. I’ll make a decision soon, okay?” I could list all the pros and cons of telling Adriano about the babies, but it’s not all about that.
For so long, I’ve lived in fear. Even when I didn’t want to admit it to myself, I was always sticking to the safest options and tried to avoid anything risky. Until Amore Bruciante. Until meeting Adriano.
But after everything that’s happened and with the twins growing inside me, I’m ready to face whatever is coming. I’m connected to the mafia forever now, and there’s no changing that.
“What if it’s too late then?” my mom asks.