Her heart dropped. “Ugh. That long? That’s almost two weeks? I thought you had worked things out that you’d be home sooner than that.”
“I know. Things are a little crazy. I’ve had some unexpected problems that need ironing out.”
Colby released a loud sigh. “Why does it seem like the world is conspiring to keep us apart? I could use the strength of you right now.” She whispered, “God, I want to lose myself in us.”
Liam frowned. He heard the fatigue in her voice earlier but thought maybe it was because it was late. However, this tone sounded like something else and triggered a memory of something Cyrus said on a call a couple of weeks ago. Liam closed his laptop. “Are you okay?”
Colby didn’t know how much Brian had told him about the state of Lockwood, and she didn’t want to step on his toes.Technically, he was her boss. So, instead of spilling her guts, she kept her answer simple. “Same shit. Different day.”
Liam wasn’t stupid. He recognized avoidance when he heard it, and something was off. He could feel it. Time was ticking, and he didn’t have enough of it to beat around the bush, so he went straight to the issue that had been plaguing the Lockwood team. “Any new sponsors?”
A question that should have been so simple to answer changed the entire energy of their call. Colby didn’t know what or how much to say. “Have you talked to Brian?”
“We’ve been playing phone tag the past few days, so I’m asking you.”
Colby fidgeted with her pinky ring, turning it in circles around her finger. “Liam, this is awkward. I can’t discuss Lockwood business with you.”
He sat up straighter. “Why the hell not?”
“Because Brian is both your brother and my boss.”
Colby tensed, shifting up on her bed. “C’mon. Under normal circumstances, I should be able to tell you anything, but this is different.”
“Youcantalk to me about anything.”
She used a hand to massage a tension knot away. “No, I can’t. Not when I’m trying to be a loyal girlfriend and a loyal employee. You two being related makes that difficult.”
“No, it doesn’t.”
Colby stilled, irritated Liam didn’t understand. “Yes, it does.”
“It shouldn’t. So, explain it to me like I’m a two-year-old.”
“Okay. Brian is working his ass off to make Lockwood a success.”
“I know that, but if he needs help, ifyouneed help, I can make some calls.”
Colby threw up her hand in frustration. “And therein lies the problem. Brian has found his passion. He wants to prove to himself and you that he’s got this. You can’t bail us out every time things get rough.”
She had a point, and Liam hated it. “So, things are rough?” Liam had tried to stay out of his brother’s business, but he knew they were struggling to get sponsors.
“I didn’t say that. But you’ve already saved the day once.”
The day needed saving. “And I’ll do it again if I have to.”
Colby groaned. “I love that you want to, but I’m still trying to prove myself with my peers, too, and with the public.”
“Fuck them.”
“Ha!” Colby raked her fingers through her hair. “I wish it were that easy, but it’s not. There are those who think I earned my spot because of nepotism and because of our relationship. I won’t ever get the respect I deserve if I keep running back to you for help.”
“That’s bullshit, and you know it. If you weren’t good enough to be on the circuit, you wouldn’t be.”
“Thanks for that, but you know as well as I do that perception is reality.” In the back of Colby’s mind, she wondered if the perception of how she earned her spot was why she hadn’t landed a big corporate sponsorship.
“I feel like I need to get my ass back home.”