Chapter 1
"Sir. You asked for an update if there were any significant changes." Rajan ‘Ran’ Omar, Syntax’s top Lieutenant, stated as he held up a sealed envelope. "There's been a significant change."
Without turning around, Syntax stood like a cold slab of marble with his hands clasped behind his back while gazing out of the massive floor-to-ceiling windows. After years of friendship, Syntax didn’t have to see Ran’s face to understand his change in tone. It could only mean one thing.
His jaw clenched, and he dared not breathe, "Is she safe?"
There was a heavy pause before Ran responded, "For now. But if you want to keep her that way, I'm not sure how much longer you can keep this secret."
Stoically, Syntax half-turned, "You must have forgotten that I’m the man who makes mountains move. I made the decision years ago that Dillyn was on a need-to-know basis. Nothing on that front has changed."
Ego and arrogance could be a potential problem in this situation. Inwardly, Ran was frustrated that Syntax was blowing off his warning and not taking it seriously enough. Still, he maintained his composure.
Ran had to get through to him. This threat was unlike any other, and he had to reflect the seriousness of the situation, "Thatis no longer viable."
Ran’s words seemed to have broken through. Slowly, Syntax turned around fully to face him and lifted a brow, "Not viable?” His stern glare would have made lesser men cower, but not Ran.
He held his ground, “No. It isnotviable.” Ran extended his arm and pushed the large manila envelope toward him.
Irritated, Syntax took it, “The world must be coming to an end if an answer to me isnoand not finding a solution that doesn’t include telling Dillyn the truth."
Bad news was part of the job, but on this front, Ran had to deliver it. Karma had shown up. Luck and time had run out. As Syntax's trusted friend and dedicated employee, Ran had to be honest. "I am telling you, keeping this secret will do more harm than good. Arming Dillyn with knowledge might just keep her alive."
"What exactly are you talking about?" Syntax showed a rare flash of anger. "I have Dillyn walled off from danger. I have eyes and ears all over that property. Some of her protection is known to her, and some unknown. Plus, that cowboy can't keep Dillyn out of his sight. He seems hell-bent on protecting her and her friends.” Syntax laughed sarcastically, “Dillyn has better security than the Pope."
“Sir, if I may, don’t allow your ego to cloud your judgment.” Syntax’s bravado hadn’t moved Ran. He wasn’t convinced that Dillyn was safe and implored Syntax to review the documents he'd just handed him, "You need to read the update and prepare for all possible scenarios."
"All scenarios?” It was Syntax’s turn to release a long sigh, “As in ALL scenarios?"
The seriousness on Ran’s face did not change. The man didn’t even blink, "yes."
Syntax held Ran's gaze an extra moment before finally opening the envelope and reading its contents. He could only stare at it momentarily before releasing several expletives under his breath and crushing the summary document into his hands. "Goddammit! Is this real?!"
"I can confirm the contents are indeed accurate."
"You’re absolutely sure?”
“I’ve had the information confirmed and reconfirmed. This is the real deal.”
“Shit!” Frustrated, Syntax ran a hand down his face. “I brought Dillyn into this business."
Ran was matter of fact, "Yes, you did. But you also saved her life. None of this is your fault. We can and should lay the blame squarely where it belongs, that worthless piece-of-shit ex-husband, Steven. He opened Pandora's box."
"True, but I can’t quite make him pay for his misdeeds. That dickhead is already dead. I can't dig him up and kill him again."
In some ways, Ran knew Syntax better than he knew himself . . .but not in this situation. It would be impossible for Ran to understand the source of his guilt.Those seeds were planted years ago and, as of today’s news dump, were now in full bloom.
"Emotions aside," Ran placed a reassuring hand on his friend's shoulder, "You will do what must be done."
It was true. Syntax had never allowed raw emotions to cloud his judgment, and he wouldn't start today. If what he’d just learned was true, there wasn’t any time to waste.
Syntax scanned the room. He was filled with both dread and pride as he watched the team he’d assembled working hard. He was responsible for them, which was a heavy burden to carry. It was the reason Syntax always brought his A-game. Anything less would cost lives. Fortunately, they trusted him because he had proven himself worthy.
Most of the men and women in the room initially believed Syntax to be nothing more than an urban myth. Now they and Dillyn knew that he was real. He was a man who didn’t exist to the outside world, but he wasn’t a ghost or myth. Syntax was a legend to be lived up to.
It could be said that the headquarters for his business was built in the same vein. From the outside, it looked no different than any other Fortune 100 high-tech company. Given that it was a place where espionage and treason occurred regularly, most would imagine it to be eerily silent, dark, and mysterious. Maybe even filled with people working secretly within their own silos. Yet, that description couldn’t be further from the truth. It sat on the top floor of a 100-floor building with 360 degree views of Chicago’s impressive skyline. The place was buzzing with energy, bright lights, and cutting-edge technology.
His hand-picked team sat in pods of four. Some of them were wearing what appeared to be regular glasses, only for them to be the most advanced in VR technology eyewear. Others move floating images around on glassless monitors.