For this next assignment, this team would have to dig deep and pull on their extraordinary talents as they will be tasked with an assignment unlike any other.

Syntax clasped his hands together. "Listen up," His voice boomed throughout. "Whatever you are currently working on, reassign it to your AI backup or your counterparts within our London offices, as we have a new priority called Operation Triton. I will need all hands on deck."

Chapter 2

A fresh wave of conflicting emotions emerged as Dillyn studied her reflection in the mirror. Her fingers trembled as she applied one last touch of lipstick.

She was anxious.

Briefly, she closed her eyes.Deep breaths.Girlfriend, you’ve got this.Dillyn held her gaze and pointed a finger at the woman staring back at her, “No self-sabotaging tonight. After all we’ve been through, Cat and Palmer deserve a stress-free and fun-filled evening.”

The pep talk did little to prevent the negative thoughts from creeping into her mind. Suddenly, Dillyn was no longer looking at her reflection. Instead, her thoughts had transported her back to the moment her and Ben’s life changed forever.

I’m pregnant.It was surreal. It would be an understatement to say they were shocked when those pink lines appeared on that tiny stick.

Ben seemed to accept it as a welcomed surprise. At the time, so had Dillyn. She had been caught up in his joy, and it was infectious. Two weeks later, Dillyn’s feelings had cooled considerably. The shock hadn’t worn off, and she still couldn’t wrap her mind around becoming a mother.How was it possible to conceive after so many years of trying with Steven?It was a nagging question that kept popping into her mind.

“I’m really pregnant,” Dillyn whispered as if repeating the words for the one-thousandth and one time would make it real.

It hadn’t.

Would it feel real once I start to show?Dillyn’s head tilted as she turned her body to the side to study her reflection. Slowly, she ran a hand down her stomach, curious about what she might look like in seven or eight months. Considering how flat it was, it was hard to imagine it protruding heavily with a child.

“Isn’t it normal to feel everything all at once?” Dillyn asked herself. Try as she might to tamp down the swell of anxiety, there were moments where it rose so close to the surface Dillyn thought she might be consumed by it.

This is an incredible gift, right?It was an honest question, considering good things never happened to her.Even relocating to Summer was mired in crazy. Quite frankly, it had been a bit of a shit show.

Dillyn couldn’t prove it, but instinctively, she knew Steven’s death was connected to everything. Thinking back to their last conversation made her shiver.

There were too many unanswered questions surrounding everything that happened over the past few months. Dillyn still had no idea who killed him and why. Who was really behind kidnapping Selah? Did they get everyone involved? She had a sinking suspicion that they hadn’t scratched the surface of what was happening, and maybe she was the real target. Until Dillyn had answers, she would continue to look over her shoulder for the next shoe to drop, even with the extra security Ben and Syntax hired.

What am I missing?Dillyn had been working tirelessly to piece together the few clues left behind but had come up empty. Was she running into a brick wall because the people responsible were so good at their jobs or because Syntax didn’t want her involved? Either way, it didn’t matter. Dillyn was determined to get to the bottom of it.

“Dillyn! Cat!” Palmer could be heard shouting all the way from downstairs. Her voice had breached the closed door to Dillyn’s bedroom. “Move ya asses! We’re going to be late.”

Palmer sounded impatient and irritated.

Dillyn sighed and took one last look in the mirror. She was as ready as she was going to be.Put your cares to the side tonight.“Have fun,” she told herself as she flipped off the light and rushed out the door.

Chapter 3

“Dammit. It’s almost ten o’clock.” Pacing back and forth, Palmer checked her cell for the time while she waited in the foyer. She’d been ready to leave for more than twenty minutes. Annoyed, she yelled for her friends to get moving, “C’mon ladies! Let’sgoooo.”

After a few minutes, Cat was the first to make her grand entrance. She laughed as she exaggerated the swaying of her hips when she sashayed into the foyer. Cat lifted her hand up and down the front of her body. “You can’t rush all this.”

“My goodness. About damn time!”

Palmer was being melodramatic, so Cat waved her off. “I don’t know why you’re so pumped about going to Franks anyway. The last time we were there, the damn place exploded. Plus, you already have a man.”

At the mention ofhaving a man, Palmer glanced away. Instead, choosing to focus on an imaginary wrinkle and smoothing it out so that Cat couldn’t read the big ass lie she was about to tell. “Ain’t nobody got a man but Dillyn. I’m single and most definitely ready to mingle. Plus, it’s notalwaysabout a guy.”

“Mmmkay.” It was clear by Cat’s tone that she didn’t believe her for a second. “If you say so.”

Palmer’s love life was not a subject she wanted to discuss. Instead, she redirected the conversation and commented on Cat’s outfit. “You’re wearing that?” It was much more casual than what she would usually wear for a night out.

Cat smirked and winked, “Yep. Cute, isn’t it?”

Dillyn entered the room before Palmer could answer. She’d heard part of their exchange and didn’t believe Palmer either. “The question is, does Lucas know that he’snotyour man?”