Page 57 of Indigo Sky

My time at Midnight Lotus was otherwise uneventful. Ivy and Crystal waitressed and worked the stage, John—the other bartender, who I’d spoken all of two words to in the time I’d been bouncing at the club—was working the bar, and I stood out on the street, lifting the velvet rope for more people than I would've expected on a Wednesday. But it was quiet, and somehow, it passed quickly.

After work, I escorted Crystal to her car. She bustled along beside me like a woman on a mission, digging into her overflowing bag for her keys.

"God, you'd think I'd remember to take his shit out of here before work," she muttered, pulling out a small blue sweatshirt and four pairs of socks and putting them on top of her car.

I tucked my hands into my pockets and smiled as she pulled out a sippy cup and a baggie of toy cars. "How old is he?"

"Jagger?" She glanced at me, and I nodded in reply. "Three. He'll be four in a couple of months. I usually don't have this much stuff in here, but I was already late after going out, and I didn't have time to clean—oh, there they are."

She pulled out her keys and dangled them from her fingers before putting them on her car's roof. Then, she set to work, refilling her bag with her son's stuff.

"How was your date?" I asked, making conversation as I handed her the sippy cup and bag of cars.

She flattened her hand to her chest with a sigh. "Oh my God, it was amazing."

I smiled, tucking the last pair of socks into her bag. "I'm glad."

"It's been a long time since I met a nice guy," she went on, a frown tugging at her lips. "I feel like the last few guys I went out with … all they wanted was to screw around for a while and leave. And I almost got married!" She scoffed as she pulled the car door open and threw her bag to the passenger side. "It's justbullshit, you know? Like, some people … they meet the person they're meant to be with when they're kids, and that's it. They're just in a happy, perfect relationship forever. Then, there's me, struggling to find someone to fuckingstay."

"You'll find him," I said, not wanting to cut her off, but also needing to go the hell to sleep. "Maybe you already have."

"I hope so!" she exclaimed with an abrupt laugh. "I mean, Jesus, I'm sick of bouncing from one asshole to another. But this guy …" Her voice trailed off as her eyes stared off toward nothing. She bit her bottom lip and sucked in a deep breath. "Heseemslike a good one. Kinda rough around the edges, but … good. So, I’m hoping.”

"Well, for your sake, I hope so too."

"Thanks, Rev," she said, smiling up at me. "And, hey, for the record, I didn't meanallguys. You seem like a good one, too, and if Indie didn't already have her eyes on you …”

She winked as she climbed into her car, and I responded with a light chuckle.

“Get home safe, okay?” I said, rapping my knuckles against the roof of her car.

She returned the smile. She was a pretty woman. Too young to look as old and tired as she did. I hoped she found someone to change that. Someone who could help take some of the load off.

“You too. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

I nodded and stepped back from the car as she closed the door and started the engine. Then, as she pulled out, I turned toward my car and sighed, grateful that the night was just about over.



My eyes snap open to stare into my room, still black from the night.

My eyes. My right eye is back. It was gone for so long, but it’s back now.

I sit up in bed and look around. What was that noise? What woke me up?

I hear my parents in the hallway. They’re up late. Did they hear something too?

I jump out of bed and rush to the door. When I open it, they turn to stare at me, startled.

“Did you hear that?” I ask.

“Revan, go back to sleep,” Mom says, her voice sweet and kind. “I’m sure it’s—“

Her voice is cut off by sirens in the distance. With each passing second, they come closer.

“What is—“