Page 58 of Indigo Sky


A loud knock on the front door makes the three of us jump, frightened by the noise. The knocking doesn’t stop. It just gets louder, more frantic. Dad leads the way down the stairs, and Mom feebly shields me with an arm. We approach the door carefully, shaken by the incessant banging. Over and over and over, they knock, never stopping.

“Who is it?!” Dad calls.

The knocking stops.

What the fuck?I think, my heart beating too fast for my body to handle.

“Rev!” Nate’s voice comes through the door. “Rev!”

Dad gasps. “Oh my God, it’s Nathan.” He lurches forward and throws the door open.

Nate stands on the other side, covered in blood. The battered body of a pink-haired woman is cradled in his arms. I notice her face right away.

It’s Kate.

She’s dead.

He killed her.

“We can be brothers again now, Rev,” Nate says, looking at me, his eyes cold and unfeeling. “We can be brothers.”

I jolted awake with a gulping gasp for air. My hands scrape at my throat; my legs kick at the blanket and sheet until they were off my body.

“Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God,” I chanted repeatedly, catching my breath more every time.

I glanced at the clock and saw that I’d only been asleep for an hour. Then, with a groan, I flopped back onto my pillow, both hands gripping my hair while waiting for my heart to settle.

It was a dream, I reminded myself.A fucking nightmare.

“Obviously,” I grumbled to no one, swallowing at my dry throat.

Fuck,of courseit was a nightmare. A horrible one, yeah, but a nightmare nonetheless, and it didn’t take a damn genius to figure out what it meant either.

I—or at least my subconscious—was freaked out that Nate felt like he’d been replaced. And my subconscious was worried he’d do something insane to take care of it, just like he’d done insane shit in the past. But the thought of that alone seemed insane in itself. He might have done some questionable shit before, but it had never been intentionally directed at me—well, to the best of my knowledge anyway. I just needed to cool it. I needed to take a deep breath and get back to sleep. The alarm would be going off before I knew it, and I was in for another long day … even longer if I didn’t sleep for another hour or two.

But every time I tried to doze off, I saw her lifeless stare. And every time, I heard her voice.

"Why didn't you save me, Rev? You were supposed to save me."


"Where are you running off to?" Mom asked as she sidled up to me in the break room at the gym.

"I have a date," I grumbled, wishing I had called Kate to reschedule.

Okay, no, that was a lie. I didn'twantto reschedule. But I was still ridiculously fucked up from the nightmare that had woken me up and prevented me from getting any more sleep. I was exhausted. And if I was being totally real here, I was pissy as hell. I'd spent my morning in a permanent state of impatience, snapping at my mother for the dumbest shit, and the last thing I wanted to do was jump down Kate's throat over nothing.

Mom's brows shot straight into her hairline. "A date? With who? That girl?"

I blew out a long, impatient breath. "Yes."

"You didn't tell me you had a date."

I pinched the bridge of my nose on my way to the back door. "Yeah, I know. It slipped my mind."

"She must be pretty special, huh? You haven't been on a date in a long time."