I wrinkled my nose as he gripped her chin, tipped his head, and stuffed his tongue into her mouth. I turned away, not wanting to watch while being acutely aware of that thing between my legs, aching and twitching.
Dammit, I wished it would go away.
Now wasn’t the time, and I didn’t like Melanie like that. But I was curious, wondering what it was like to kiss someone, let alone with tongues, and it felt wrong to feel like that today, of all days—but somehow, I also couldn’t help it.
But,God! How could he even be kissing her like thatnow? How could he ever want to kiss someone again when Mom and Dad were gone forever?
“Luke,” Melanie whispered, trying to catch her breath. “No, we have to … we have to stop.”
She said it, but she didn't sound like shewantedto stop. She sounded like she wanted to keep going, to keep kissing. To doanythingbut stop.
Would a girl like it ifIkissed her?
I shook my head, sending the thought away, immediately feeling guilty for thinking it at all.
“No, no, please,” Luke begged. “I need you. Why—”
“Your brother,” she hissed beneath her breath, as if she could prevent me from hearing, even as I sat less than ten feet away.
All Luke could say then was, “Shit.”
Melanie cleared her throat, and there was some rustling behind me, but I wouldn't dare look. Afraid I'd see something I couldn’t unsee.
Then, she said, “I'm going to get a washcloth for your face, okay?”
Luke sniffled. “Okay.”
“Talk to him,” she whispered, and then she was walking closer, stepping onto the staircase, and resting her hand against my head before ascending quietly and disappearing behind the door.
Luke and I were alone now. I was painfully aware of the fact that this was the first time we'd been truly alone together since the night our parents had died. I was so painfully,acutelyaware that this was how our family would be from now on.
Luke and me. Just the two of us. Nobody else.
I hate this.
I inhaled deeply, then answered, “Yeah?”
“Come here.”
Just like that, I forgot all about kissing and girls, and I was instantly reminded of why I had come down here in the first place. There was so much of me that didn't want to go over there and hear what he had to say. What if he was about to tell me that we’d have to leave our house and go live with Nana in Mystic? What if he said he couldn’t come with me?
I can’t be without Luke.
Swallowing repeatedly at my quickly rising panic, I slowly stood from the stairs and walked over to where he now sat on the couch. Reluctantly, I took a seat beside him, facing forward, just as he did.
I guessed he couldn’t look at me when he said whatever it was he needed to say.
“Ritchie is a piece of shit.”
I nearly laughed. That wasn’t at all what I’d expected.
“Well, duh. I could’ve told you that.”
“No, I’m serious. He’s not a good guy, Charlie. You have no idea. He’sbad. He’s …” Luke wiped his hand over his bloodied mouth. “I should've ditched his ass a long time ago. It’s just …”
“I get it.”