Page 75 of Prized Possession

As soon as we arrived, Dad looked like he was ready to tear the peace treaty up and go to war with Marcus right here, and it was made even worse by some arsehole inviting Scott and his father. Talk about a stupid fucking decision, which had everyone on edge.

Then my mother took one look at how I was dressed, and her face morphed into disgust. She looked at me the way you’d look at your shoe after you realise you’ve stepped in dog shit. Still, she tried to control me, making decisions for me about the type of wine I should be choosing.

I’m not going to lie, when Marcus stood up to her on my behalf, had I been wearing any, my knickers would have been ruined without the aid of the egg. I’ve never really had anyone stand up for me before, and I stopped fighting for myself a long time ago, so to see him do that, it broke down one of the many walls I’ve built around my cold, fragile heart.

If the start hadn’t gone bad enough, then there’s the whole mess with Jacob. I knew he was going through a rough time, but I’ve only been gone a week and he’s almost unrecognisable. He’s a mess, and his eyes are wide as saucers after taking fuck knows what.

Then he started on Miles and it was like I’d been transported into the fucking Twilight Zone. I didn’t know whether to hit him or cry. I hate seeing my big brother so messed up, but I’m fucking furious that he’d take it out on Miles like that.

I got the feeling there was something going on between them that I was missing, and the threat Marcus threw their way tells me he doesn’t know either, but he wants to find out just as badly as I do.

My head is already a mess of confusing information, and all the thoughts that accompany the punishment are almost too much. For a moment, I’m so lost in the sensations from the egg, feeling the fullness and the vibrations, that all rational thoughts leave my brain completely—then the panic returns.

Oh, my God, is he going to keep doing this while we’re having lunch?

Is he going to turn it up, because if he does, I’m not sure I can cope with that?

How the hell am I supposed to sit still with the vibrations buzzing around, driving me crazy?

Can anyone hear the vibrations?

Fuck, I really need to moan…

My brain is moving a million miles a minute, and I can hear Marcus’ evil chuckle beside me as he continues pulling me towards the dining room. Heleans in closer until I can feel his breath against my ear, sending a shiver along my spine.

“This is the ultimate test of how much control you have over your body, Mio. You have to control yourself, your facial expressions, and especially your noise. It won’t take much for your whole family to see exactly what’s going on.

“Whilst I like knowing what a dirty little slut you are, it’s just for me, nobody else. That little cum-stain, Scott, will never know the noises you make when you come, so I expect you to hide them. Do you understand?”

As soon as he says Scott’s name, he scowls, looking furious at the idea that Scott might one day know exactly what I sound like—though I doubt even when he’s my husband that he’ll be all that concerned with my pleasure. I’m guessing he’s a selfish lover.

“I-I…I don’t know if I can,” I confess.

The vibrations are making my nerve endings prickle, and my whole body feels like it’s an electric current buzzing around, just waiting to explode, and I’m not sure I know how to stop that from happening.

“You have to. If you’re a good girl and take your punishment, I’ll make sure you’re rewarded.”

My heart stutters when he calls me hisgood girl, and I blame the brain fog on the next words that slip out of my mouth. “Will you be my reward?”

His eyes darken as that cocky smirk of his morphs into a rare genuine smile. “Do you want me to be?”

I don’t even hesitate, I’m nodding my head rapidly before he’s even finished asking his question. “Yes!”

He chuckles, and my cheeks flame at how eager I sound. To be fair, this damn love egg is driving me crazy, and I’ve been desperate to come since the car, so I’m not exactly thinking rationally. But it doesn’t change the fact that I want him—I’ve wanted him for a long time—I’m just now being honest about it.

“And what exactly are you willing to give me?” His voice has taken on a low growl, whispered in my ear for only me to hear.

That’s when I realise we’re standing in the entrance way to the dining room, and everyone who is already seated is staring at us.

I give Marcus my best flirty smile as I say, “Anything and everything.”

He lets out a low groan, his darkened gaze letting me know he’s very pleased with that suggestion. “I’ll remember that.”

With a tap of his phone, the vibration ends and I let out a sigh of relief, though the smirk on Marcus’ face lets me know this definitely isn’t the end of my punishment.

Is it wrong that I’m kinda pleased by that?

Focus, I mentally tell myself as I look around the table, trying to find the best place to sit. I never thought deciding where to sit would be as tactical.