There’s a venom in Miles’ voice that I’ve not heard in a long time, and Jacob is right to look scared. His eyes are wide open, but his nostrils flare as he scowls at Miles.
He brings one of his hands up to grab Miles’ wrist where he’s holding onto his shirt, but uses the other to try and push him again.
This time, Miles isn’t caught off-guard, and he doesn’t move. Jacob isn’t small, and before he started going off the rails with drink and drugs, he used to work out regularly, and he still has some of that bulk and strength, but he’s let himself go too much to be any sort of match against Miles.
Although Miles isn’t big and bulky like you’d expect a security guard to be,he’s on top of his fitness, and he’s a lot stronger than he looks. He lifts weights and does a lot of cardio, so despite his lean appearance, it’s all muscle, which is why Miles doesn’t falter even a step when pushed by Jake.
“How dare you fucking threaten me? This is my house. Don’t you know who I am? Get the hell out of here, now!” he yells, looking almost manic as he snarls at Miles.
Miles rolls his eyes and laughs. “Do you have any idea how much you sound like a pampered fucking prince, Pretty Boy? Next you’ll be telling your daddy on me, while throwing your gold rattle out of your pram.”
Well, that doesn’t help to calm Jacob down at all. In fact, I rush forward quicker now when I see him pull his fist back, getting ready to strike.
Luckily, Miles’ has seen it and grabs hold of his hand before he’s able to make a move, and I get there just in time to grab Jacob and pull him away from Miles, who looks to be enjoying the situation far more than he should.
“Jacob!” Chloe shouts, grabbing his attention. “What the hell are you doing? Miles stopped you from falling, and that’s how you repay him?”
Jacob drops his gaze to the floor, looking thoroughly chastised by his sister. For a moment, it seems like he’s going to say something, but loud footsteps pull our attention to the corridor.
“What the fuck is going on in here?” Caleb shouts, taking in the scene before him.
I’ve got my arms wrapped around Jacob, clearly restraining him, while Chloe looks frazzled by the whole situation. Miles is standing off to the side, looking far more amused than is appropriate right now, and I can just imagine the conclusions Caleb is jumping to right now.
Chloe, who is thinking quicker than the rest of us, jumps in. “Sorry, Dad. Jacob wasn’t feeling too good, and when he stood up, it looked like he was about to faint. We were all just checking on him, making sure he’s well enough before we came through.”
Caleb takes one look at his son, and it doesn’t take long for him to believe the story.
“You do look like shit, Son. Drink a glass of water, pull yourself together, and for fucks’s sake, no more alcohol for you. We’ll talk about this tomorrow. The rest of you, get your arses into the dining room before my wife has an aneurism.”
Caleb turns on his heel and storms off. I loosen my hold on Jacob as I ask, “You good?”
“Yes,” he mutters, though I’m not entirely sure he believes himself.
“Right, then let's get this damn lunch over and done with,” I say, walking over to Chloe’s side.
She takes my hand in hers without thinking, and I look over my shoulder at Miles and Jacob, who haven’t moved.
“This isn’t over,” I tell them threateningly. “I want to know what the fuck happened here, and I won’t be fobbed off.”
I leave no room for discussion, pulling Chloe with me as I lead her into the dining room. Footsteps follow behind us, but their quiet whispers are too low for me to hear what they’re saying. At least they aren’t arguing.
Chloe leans in, tugging on my arm so I tilt down a little, just enough that she can whisper in my ear. “I’ll be glad when this fucking meal is over. I have a feeling it’s only just beginning.”
A mischievous smirk spreads across my lips as I look down at her. With my other hand, I reach into my jeans pocket and pull out my phone. Chloe’s brow furrows in confusion, and I turn to her at the same moment I press a button on my phone.
The love egg she’d almost forgotten about begins to vibrate as I turn it onto the lowest setting, her mouth falling open as she looks at me in panic. “You’re right, this is only the beginning. You didn’t forget about your punishment, did you, Mio?”
Just when I thought this fucking meal couldn’t get any worse, Marcus activates the bloody love egg. I mean, it’s not like I’d forgotten it was there. It’s more I’d gotten used to the full feeling.
Although everything is extra sensitive—especially after Marcus took me to the edge in the car before leaving me hanging—the egg is giving off more of a pleasant fullness than anything else.
Whenever I walk, it rubs in the most delicious way, but the sensations aren’t enough to do anything more than get me even hotter than I already am.
That is until he starts the vibrations. I know it’s only on the lightest setting, but after being so close to an orgasm earlier, the sensation is making my legs go weak.
I look over at Marcus, my eyes pleading with him, but that cocky smirk of his just grows, and I don’t know whether I want to slap him or kiss him. He’s too fucking sexy for his own good.
My brain is an absolute mess. I was already a nervous wreck about coming home, not knowing what to expect. Then Marcus encouraged me tochange, to step away from the rules my parents forced on me when I was living with them, and although I can’t deny it felt totally freeing, that doesn’t mean I’m not anxious as hell.